#PortfolioDay is tomorrow! Don’t forget to use a portfolio feed to keep up with all the portfolio posts! I have a few different feeds in this thread:


Before I forget, Saturday is #PortfolioDay One time I did a job that looks like a French Castle. We painted and hand built and finished six figures worth of custom cabinets on this job for one of my long term builder clients. Ross Township, PA 2021-22

Estate sized home with white painted masonry, a central turret, and a metal rool made to look like blue slates
It has a cool spiral staircase in the turret
the main entrance leads you into the house or up into the turret
A 5000 sq ft addition was built perpendicular to the existing 3000 sq ft house

バレませんように #洋菓子の日#モンブラン#art#portfolioday#イラスト#illustration#pupumaru#ぷぷまる


Novos Ocs nos quais estou obcecada #BRart#brazillianartist#art#portfolioday#digitalart

A imagem é um desenho de um retrato, Lídia, uma mulher branca de cabelos negros e olhos claros, está sentada em uma poltrona de aparência antiquada encara a "câmera" com um leve sorriso ela veste um vestido escuro, usa um colar de três linhas de perolas, e uma maquiagem um pouco pesada.
Sylvester, um homem branco de cabelos marrons e olhos escuros, está vestindo um uniforme militar antiquado, anos 30 pra 50, ele está de pé atrás da poltrona de Lídia e encara a câmera também, mas com uma expressão bem mais séria, chegando a ser irritada, ele deposita sua mão acima da cadeira da mulher. É uma imagem de tons mais cinzas porém tem uma iluminação verde aguado vindo do lado esquerdo da tela causando uma luz de contorno nas pessoas e poltrona

random doodles from 2022-2023 #art#artpost#digitalart#portfolioday




逃げたい犬と刺したい犬 #世界狂犬病デー#予防接種#注射#注射嫌い#Vaccination#RabiesShot#DogHealth#StayHealthy#art#portfolioday#イラスト#illustration#pupumaru#ぷぷまる




#portfolioday Hi i’m Tiger!! I like boys!!!!

Two masculine people face each other with a popsicle pressed between their tongues. The person on the left has striking blonde hair and an expression of longing. The other has bright pink hair and holds the popsicle with a sly expression. Along the top in black text is written, “Trust Exercises” and the background is a circular cutout of the ocean.
A shaggy blue-haired, one-horned man smirks out towards the camera. He is wearing a white tank top with a red oval that says, “DANGER” and he stands in front of an orange sunset.
A large traditional pinup of a cowboy. He has blue hair and rainbow horns sticking out from under a large cowboy hat. His back faces the camera and he looks over his shoulder with a demure, shojo anime  look. Carnival font reads, “Bang the Buck” alluding to the cowboys exposed posterior.
A red demon balances on a platter with his hands chained above his head. The view is of him from behind with his face turned in profile. His back is adorned with tattoos and fruits rest around his buttocks. Smaller vignettes depict a closeup of his eye as well as a hand wrapped around a throat. Text on the poster read “you excited? yes or yes” and “be gentle”. The background is bright yellow and decorated with suggestive emojis