Too Much Reality in Psychology? “Physicists have benefitted greatly from creating idealized theories that necessarily dis-include relevant factors and depart substantially from seeming empirical reality, whereas psychologists do not idealize.”


Carlo Rovelli giving us a talk about the asymmetry of direction of time . . . (from the future?! 😂) #philsci ⚛️

Carlo in front  of a slide (listing the date as 2025!)
The two ways in which causation is rooted into thermodynamics
Power and risks of pragmatists's insights, in the eyes of a physicist
Carlo Rovelli
Rotmann, September 2025

(Discussion with Huw Price, Jenann Ismael,
and Rascal Fongue Wayne Myrvold
CR: How Oriented Causation Is Rooted into Thermodynamics. Philosophy

Got to run with this framing: Topics in philosophy of science: Value-free objectivity and its evil, foolish, and stupid alternatives.


The latter, i guess. I may have a simplistic view of science too and I would like to change that. I took one philosophy of science course and... It didn't go well.


which "this"? the scientists i know who have a very narrow and simplistic view of what constitutes science or the philosophy of science?


A wonderful talk this morning at the Pragmatism & Philosophy of Science conference by

Huw standing in front of screen with text "De-rhinofying Quantum Entanglement
1. Entanglement and nonlocality
2. Colliders, collider bias, and constrained colliders
3. Constrained colliders in QM - special cases
4. Constrained colliders in QM - ordinary cases (I)
5. The view from behind the snout
6. Constrained colliders in QM - ordinary cases (Il)
Slide with toy example & cartoon of pre-Copernican rhino, who paints their horn into the painting, not recognizing its situated origin. Text of slide says "A toy model
1. Imagine triangular poker chips, with three spots, A, B and C, subject to the rule that the three spots can't all be the same - at least one spot must be shaded, and at least one unshaded.
2. Imagine you're selecting these chips at random from a huge urn (or URn, as we physicists say!)
3. Suppose C is specified to be fixed.
4. Then a change to B requires a change to A, in the configuration shown.
0. 107

OTD in 1838, Charles Darwin read Malthus’s Principles of Population “for amusement.” The idea of a “war of nature” was venerable, but D realized that such a war would tend to remove deleterious variations from populations. Natural selection would necessarily follow. 🌱🐋🧪#HistSTM #philsci 📈📉#evolbio

Cartoon of Darwin holding a copy of the Original, looking into a mirror and seeing as his reflection Malthus holding a copy off his Essay on the Principle of Population. By Tom Dunne for American Scientist.