A website for sharks and rays called ElasmonlyFans.


🧪A fun bluesci-y throwback: deep-sea research off the CA coast w/ MBARI, R/V Western Flyer, and ROV Doc Ricketts. Benthic ecology, deep-sea coral transplantation, observations of particle flow using fluorescent dye, & more! Photos mostly from ~850m, but the ROV hit 3,000+ m during this expedition!🪸

Green fluorescent dye is released by an ROV near a deep-sea goiter sponge.
A red and pink benthic fish sits on the seafloor.
Deep-sea corals transplanted at a pilot site on the seafloor in PVC pipe setups.
The deep-sea landscape, with abundant yellow goiter sponges.

Good morning bluesky ☀️ Please enjoy this black-backed jackal that gave me the stare-down in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania.

A black-backed jackal stares at the camera with big ears and golden eyes.

Another day, another Anna’s hummingbird shot! I’m so going to miss evenings on my balcony in the PNW watching/photographing these beauties.

An Anna’s hummingbird, with pink iridescent throat feathers, sits on a branch with tail feathers splayed.

Brandts cormorants are the definition of brilliant blue


🧪A lil crab photographed while exploring the tidepools of Point Lobos SNR in California a while back! Possibly Pachygrapsus crassipes, but carcinology folks please tap in (my tidepooling ID skills need work). Love the abalone-y vibes of that colorful underside 🎨🦀

A purple/res crab sits hidden in a crevice between rocks. Its underside has vibrant greens, blues, and purples.

🧪Bluesci friends, I finish the day with some very serious and scientific business: three cheetahs taking a synchronized poop in Maasai Mara, Kenya. Friends that 💩 together, stay together ❤️

Three cheetahs stand together on top of a grassy hill. All three are in a deep squat as if taking a bathroom break.

The What's Science feed is a balm


🧪🧵Throwing it back to more science from my past with a quick thread on some of the questions being examined in a cool field... phocid bioacoustics aka the science of seal sounds! 🦭🔊 What are some of the questions researchers are asking about how seals communicate vocally? ⤵️ 1/6

A girl dressed in coveralls, gloves, hairnet, and mask in a clinical setting holds a small, gray seal pup.
A brownish colored seal pup laying on its belly stares at the camera. It has long whiskers, large wide eyes, and is visibly dripping water.

🧪🪺There are over 300 different species of hummingbirds! Check out these four stunners: 1. Allen's hummingbird. Santa Barbara, CA. 2. Anna's hummingbird. Seattle, WA. 3. Green-crowned brilliant. Monteverde, Costa Rica. 4. Rufous hummingbird. Gig Harbor, WA.

A small orange hummingbird sits on a branch scratching its head with one of its legs.
A hummingbird with iridescent pink and gold on its throat sits on a branch.
A green and teal iridescent hummingbird sits on a metal fixture and gazes into the distance.
An orange hummingbird with iridescent throat feathers sits on the edge of a bird feeder.