We’re tuckered out from another pawsome Sea Otter Awareness Week! 🦦💤 Loved what you learned about otters all week with our otterly adorable sea furball content? Please consider donating to the Aquarium via the link here:

A sea otter laying on a green enrichment tool with eyes closed resting and paws raised in the air

It's giving balanced ecosystem vibes. Very mindful, very demure, and cutesy. 🦦 ✨ A healthy sea otter population sustains and protects a thriving kelp forest ecosystem.

In the first panel of this webcomic, against a blue and green seafloor backdrop, a diagram illustrates the relationship between sea otters, urchins and kelp. The text at the lower left corner of the image reads sea otters and the kelp forest: a trophic cascade.
Panel two of the comic shows a zoomed in illustration of a golden stalk of kelp on the right hand side of the image. A few sea urchins have covered the rock and the sandy formation of the sea floor. The text on the image reads what’s a trophic cascade? It’s the ripple effect top predators have on their prey and other species in the food chain.
Panel three looks very similar to panel two, except that instead of the golden stalk of kelp, the lower right hand corner of the image has the illustration of a playful sea otter. The text on the image reads let’s start with sea otters. They have big appetites and need to eat about a quarter of their body weight each day!  Sea urchins are some of their favorite foods. But urchin snacking does more than fill otter bellies.

While you might enjoy visiting sand cat Simba, he prefers his alone time! Sand cats are naturally solitary creatures, coming together only during breeding season or when caring for young. 📸: Zoo Chef Brittany

A male sand cat lays on a log inside a zoo habitat.

Budi the Sumatran Tiger showing off the best technique for a big yawn and a little snooze on a Friday morning 🥱🐯💤 📸: ©️Shaun Wilson & ©️Melanie Sharp #SupportingConservation#WelshMountainZoo#NationalZooOfWales#Eryri360#NorthWales#tiger


How much would you have to eat to match a sea otter's diet? 🦦 🤔 There’s a new study we co-authored examining the otters’ foraging habits and caloric consumption of southern sea otters in California. Sea the post to discover how much energy sea otters spend in a day to survive!

A beach with a blue ocean, rocks lining the beach, and mountains in the distance. The text on image reads: There's a population of sea otters in Año Nuevo, CA. A recent study looked at their diet and foraging habits. Here’s what they found…
A sea otter with her pup laying on her stomach as they float among a bed of yellow and green kelp. The text on the image reads: Sea otters burn a lot of energy daily searching for food, staying warm, and raising their pups.
Three sea otters floating in the ocean with their paws above the water. The text on the image reads: At Año Nuevo, sea otters can consume ~9.5 kilocalories/min. and spend ~9 hours/day foraging to meet their caloric needs.
A person holding a pepperoni pizza, another slice is pictured in the pizza box and one in the distance on a plate. The text on the image reads: For a human to match this energy demand (assuming a 2,000 kilocalorie diet), we’d need to eat one slice of pepperoni pizza every hour of the day!

Chimpanzees are our closest living animal relative sharing 99% of their DNA with humans! 📝 Classified on the IUCN Red List as Endangered 🌿 Hunting and deforestation is taking its toll on wild populations 📉 As few as 170k chimpanzees remain in the wild 📸: ©️Brian McGarry


Sea otters have a superpower—an insatiable appetite! 🦦 These fluffy foodies are keystone species, keeping kelp forests healthy by munching on sea urchins. See how their endless hunger helps balance ocean ecosystems in the latest episode of Word of the Bay!

Southern sea otter floating on its back munching on a crab

Behind the scenes of sea otter care, our gear is as unique as the otters themselves! From donning a Darth Vader-esque disguise (yes, really!) to using baby bottles for feeding our rescued pups, it takes more than meets the eye to keep these fluffs happy and healthy.

Rescued sea otter pup floats on its back in a rehabilitation pool as a member of the Sea Otter Program team, dressed in a Darth Vadar like disguise (with a black cloak and a welding mask), hands the pup food.
Rescued sea otter pup sits on a grate in the rehabilitation area being groomed with a towel by a Sea Otter Program team member dressed in a Darth Vadar-like disguise (with a black cloak and a welding mask).
Rescued sea otter pup held by a member of the Sea Otter Program dressed in a Darth Vadar-like disguise (with a black cloak and a welding mask) bottle feeds the pup as it holds the end of the bottle.
Sea otter pup lays on back looking straight on, is held by a member of the Sea Otter Program who holds a baby bottle in their green-gloved hands.

Viungo knows to floss after a good meal. Olive baboons like her can eat a diverse diet of veggies, seeds, fruits, bugs, and small vertebrates due to their impressive foraging skills. Our troop's favorite foods include cucumbers, avocados, and tomatoes! 📷: Zookeeper Nicole

A female olive baboon chews on a braided purple and pink rope in an outdoor zoo yard.

Can we get a little 💖 love 💖for the cutest Chilean Flamingo couple at the Welsh Mountain Zoo! 🪺 Commonly mating for life, Flamingos may only lay 1 egg per year 🦩Wild births are significant for wild populations due to impacts of hunting & loss of habitat 📸: ©️Ewan Davies