Too Much Reality in Psychology? “Physicists have benefitted greatly from creating idealized theories that necessarily dis-include relevant factors and depart substantially from seeming empirical reality, whereas psychologists do not idealize.”


Will two wires with parallel currents attract or repel one another? ⚛️ 🎢 Well... maybe a relativistic dinosaur and extremely dangerous octopus can help us figure it out. An oldie from the TestTubeGames vault.

Youtube thumbnail - with a person in glasses talking in front of bookcases.  Original.  There is a cartoon octopus and cartoon dinosaur on the screen as well, and the words Parallel Wires and Relativity.

Carlo Rovelli giving us a talk about the asymmetry of direction of time . . . (from the future?! 😂) #philsci ⚛️

Carlo in front  of a slide (listing the date as 2025!)
The two ways in which causation is rooted into thermodynamics
Power and risks of pragmatists's insights, in the eyes of a physicist
Carlo Rovelli
Rotmann, September 2025

(Discussion with Huw Price, Jenann Ismael,
and Rascal Fongue Wayne Myrvold
CR: How Oriented Causation Is Rooted into Thermodynamics. Philosophy

Carlo Rovelli giving us a talk about the asymmetry of direction of time . . . (from the future?! 😂) #philsci ⚛️

Carlo in front  of a slide (listing the date as 2025!)
The two ways in which causation is rooted into thermodynamics
Power and risks of pragmatists's insights, in the eyes of a physicist
Carlo Rovelli
Rotmann, September 2025

(Discussion with Huw Price, Jenann Ismael,
and Rascal Fongue Wayne Myrvold
CR: How Oriented Causation Is Rooted into Thermodynamics. Philosophy

Carlo Rovelli giving us a talk about the asymmetry of direction of time . . . (from the future?! 😂) #philsci ⚛️

Carlo in front  of a slide (listing the date as 2025!)
The two ways in which causation is rooted into thermodynamics
Power and risks of pragmatists's insights, in the eyes of a physicist
Carlo Rovelli
Rotmann, September 2025

(Discussion with Huw Price, Jenann Ismael,
and Rascal Fongue Wayne Myrvold
CR: How Oriented Causation Is Rooted into Thermodynamics. Philosophy

Carlo Rovelli giving us a talk about the asymmetry of direction of time . . . (from the future?! 😂) #philsci ⚛️

Carlo in front  of a slide (listing the date as 2025!)
The two ways in which causation is rooted into thermodynamics
Power and risks of pragmatists's insights, in the eyes of a physicist
Carlo Rovelli
Rotmann, September 2025

(Discussion with Huw Price, Jenann Ismael,
and Rascal Fongue Wayne Myrvold
CR: How Oriented Causation Is Rooted into Thermodynamics. Philosophy