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Granted, my expectations were low, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Indianapolis’ bike/walking trials.

Bike path running parallel to the White River. Downtown Indianapolis can be seen in the background.
Bike/walk path surrounded by trees and gray walls.
Trees with leaves turning orange in the foreground. The White River and Downtown Indianapolis can be seen in the background.

Went to the ghost bike dedication for John Corcoran, who was killed by a 'distracted' driver last week while riding on an off-road bike path. The moment of silence at the start of the ceremony was deafening with the roar of cars and trucks flying by, any one of which could have come for us.

A photograph of a crowd of people standing around a white-painted ghost bicycle surrounded by candles, faced by a spandex-clad man speaking about his friend John Corcoran, who had been killed days before on the same spot.

«Andén 9¾» #Saludos#clic#blancoynegro#fotografía

Fotografía en blanco y negro en la que hay un muro de ladrillo y un carrito, para transportar equipajes, con dos maletas grandes y una jaula. Carrito, maletas y jaula parecen estar atravesando el muro para pasar al otro lado como ocurre en la saga de películas de Harry Potter. Está en un centro comercial cerca de una estación de ferrocarril en Londres.

Whose Streets? OUR STREETS! Another great ride through the city - great to see so many folk out and reminding other road users that we are traffic!

A large group of cycling enthusiasts stand together in front of a man in a denim jacket and bicycle helmet with a microphone.  There's a official cycle path marker behind him.
Lots of cyclists stand around in a park - many have flags with slogans promoting active travel
A group of bike riders, some in high Vis, some with helmets, coming towards the photographer under an avenue of trees in an autumnal park.

More cycle lanes for rural/suburban areas please, I am tired of nearly dying in potholes 🙏


Hackney Council intends to build a junction unsafe for cycling when there's an alternate design with safe cycling infra (same cost, better for peds & buses, slows cars). Pls tell them that isn't good enough using the email template (choose Hackney Central ward):


The defendant, who stands accused of chewing through the power cables on our cargo bike

The image shows a golden retriever dog resting on a blue-gray upholstered chair or sofa. The dog has its eyes closed and appears to be sleeping or very relaxed. Its head is resting on the arm of the chair, and its golden fur contrasts nicely with the blue-gray fabric. The dog's nose is prominently visible in the foreground. In the background, you can see a window and what looks like some books or papers on a surface, suggesting this might be in a home office or living room setting. The image gives off a cozy, peaceful atmosphere with the comfortable-looking dog taking a nap.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I suspect a lot of folk picture Manchester Diocese as an urban sprawl. Here’s where I was this morning. Quite a sight!

Image of house and fields near St John Bircle with the skyscrapers of Manchester in the distance