BREAKING: Harrowing ancient artwork has been discovered depicting the event known as "The Mass Extinction of the Dinosaurs". - mirbear

Gummy dinosaurs and gummy bears on top of a table. Many are dead. The few survivors are struggling against a torrent of comet m n ms. It's all very colourful.
It's a masterpiece.

Hey y'all. recreated the most shocking moment in cinematic history. I call this art piece "Daddycoded" - mirbear

Two gummy bears standing on top of a wooden coaster stand. I photoshopped a red and blue lightsaber into their hands.
It's a masterpiece and really captures the essence of the original scene

Recreated Stonehenge with chocolate raisins. I'm high, be nice. - mirbear

Chocolate raisins of all shapes and sizes placed in a circle. Some wouldn't stand up so I had to bit of the bottom to make them stand. there on a table.

Joseph trying to decide wether he’ll leave Mary or go along with the whole immaculate conception. Titled: “Ride or Die” - mirbear

A picture of a gummy bear with those older head cloths

I recreated a portrait of Henry VIII and his VI wives. I call this harrowing art piece “Why men?” - mirbear

A red gummy bear with 8 gummy bear heads stacked behind him. And numerous headless gummy bears standing behind him. He looks indifferent, what an asshole. mirbear

This art pieces title: “The 11 homies confront Judas for snitching on Jesus” mirbear

Outside on a tempered glass table stands 11 colourful gummy bears in a gang. They are bunched together and look angry. They are facing towards a lone gummy bear who represents Judas. He look's panicked. The sun is shining. mirbear

I recreated the Julius Caesar assassination. Ides of March, fam. - mirbear

9 colourful gummy bears standing over one dead gummy bear lying face down.
They are standing on a table. The betrayal is palpable.