Hast Du zufälligerweise schon mal einen langhaarigen Otto mit einem grauen Bike und Brille mit orange-spiegelnden Gläsern und Helm (Sicherheit geht vor) da irgendwo rumkraxeln gesehen? Trägt meistens so schwarz bis graue Kleidung.


Depois que eu vim pro Flamengo não quis outra coisa 😂😂😂 Acordar cedinho, bike do aterro até a urca, volto, da tempo de um mergulho Pq eu demorei tanto pra isso, Deus? To querendo mais nada


I am at all times in favour of any personal mode of transportation that is not a car but the gangs of twenty tourists on e-bike tours are neither demure nor mindful


“pedalada de bike espiritualmente”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Einmal faul und mit dem Mobi Bike nach Hause fahren. War leider nicht möglich. Hm


Oh Honolulu, let’s me save you some money and time. Ebike good; end of study.

Headline from Honolulu Star Advertiser:

City proposes working group to study e-bikes 

Image shows a cyclist riding an electric bike on a roadway, while a pedestrian walks nearby. Traffic signs and bike lane markers are visible in the background. The setting is urban and includes greenery.

Looks like I’m done for the season Coming off of a complete replacement of the rear wheel/hub and new tires, bike never felt so good! Then I heard a loud crack and looked down to see this beauty clacking on itself. by chooseph

Looks like I'm done for the season
Looks like I'm done for the season

Coming off of a complete replacement of the rear wheel/hub and new tires, bike never felt so good! Then I heard a loud crack and looked down to see this beauty clacking on itself. by chooseph


riding bikes every day until I can’t for some reason, day 1497 #Cycling#BikeTO#Photography

photo of a BMC roadmachine, road bike standing against a brick wall that is covered in graffiti style art. The left half of the photo is colour and it fades to fully monochrome on the right side of the photo. On the left side of the photo, the wall is green with a piece of graffiti that consist of dark blue, white and black paint. The bike is in the lower right hand corner of the photo in the monochrome portion.

Worth $200 deal that I put to them? For context.. I need to bike 8km round trip from work. And I also will be pulling a child trailer with my son in it, as well as groceries.. Is this a good starting bike for that? by …

Worth $200 deal that I put to them?
Worth $200 deal that I put to them?

For context.. I need to bike 8km round trip from work. And I also will be pulling a child trailer with my son in it, as well as groceries..Is this a good starting bike for that? by tofuwonder13