Reflecting on 30+ yrs in academia, when I started, simply no such thing as a predatory conference—nor predatory journals (only "bottom-feeding" journals 😂). By end of my career, I had to regularly counsel my grad students & postdocs about them, lest they be easily taken in. #AcademicSky#ChemSky

a woman standing in a body of water with a ghost in the background
a woman standing in a body of water with a ghost in the background

ALT: a woman standing in a body of water with a ghost in the background


Just got invited to give a talk (yay!), but abstract submission is in two days (what‽‽‽). Why was I not asked sooner? I did not need this stress. My fellow academics, I'm begging y'all: if there's any way that you can avoid it, don't make other people rush for you. #PhDSky#AcademicSky#ChemSky 🧪


We never give away our plans, but there are signs when we're working on something… #coffee#CompChem#ChemSky#NMR#NMRchat#NMROnline 🧪🧬🧶

Eight packs of Costa Coffee latte cans (with more in the fridge!)

"Observation of a single-electron bond in carbon, the basic building block of life on Earth, has excited scientists." Time to update chemistry textbooks?!

Carbon bond that uses only one electron seen for first time: ‘It will be in the textbooks’
Carbon bond that uses only one electron seen for first time: ‘It will be in the textbooks’

The fundamental discovery deepens scientists’ understanding of chemical bonding.


Sort of bored reading mundane Suzuki-Miyaura Cross Coupling reactions in published papers. Maybe, I am the only one who finds it uninteresting #ChemSky


Come be my colleague! JMU is hiring a tenure track & lecturer position We seek TT candidates with expertise in nuclear/radiochemistry Lecturers teach intro/lower division courses & labs - scholarship/service also expected TT