XWP says I have been trying crushing myself in an iron grip "too long" and it hasn't been working. Suggests "self-compassion" instead??? Idk what the thinking is here


#LevantCrisis Israel has nuclear bombs, a pile of them. The whole world, every artist in the world, every teacher, every religion leader, has been unable to convince people to love and have equality of compassion for all people. Terrorism psychology has not created peace either.

This Land Is Mine
This Land Is Mine

YouTube video by Nina Paley


Damn, great empathetic skills there man... Truly you're the face of human kindness and compassion


I would ask the same question that always comes up when people pine for "the way things used to be": When? When did we have compassion? This is the country that dreamed up the Tuskegee Experiment. The one that locked the doors on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. We made the Trail of Tears. When?


and believe me, these days I fight it myself, mostly losing compassion/thinking cruel thoughts about politicians and others who seem bent on causing harm. That will never hurt them but will only corrode my soul


So you MAY AS BLOODY WELL have some BLOODY COMPASSION because the way you treat your fellow human being is one of the few things in life that you actually have complete power over.


compassion is dead smh


It's like they don't realize that it's an election year. Hey! Morons! Show (don't actually propose or vote for) some compassion. Just not say FU to the public. I know you're cheapskates, but you're proving how much you really hate non-rich. So here's my middle class middle finger right back at ya.


One of the two poems I rushed out in the park today, extended and tidied up a little since I wasn't doing any(one)thing else. This one's called Seeing Queerly, although I'm not sure that should be it's final title.

And so here I stand, 
Alone, apart,
And in my authenticity
I've never felt more holy.

Purified by pain, 
Polished by experiences
They said would
Corrupt my soul.

But that's where God was all along, 
In the pain and the suffering, 
In the compassion and the commiseration,
In the pleasures great and small
They wanted swept away.

True holiness
Never needed
To be queered.