Infisical (YC W23) Is Hiring Developers Who Love Writing Discussion


I really don't see Larian as having treated Wyll badly. Like the developers were willing to pay a full new voice actor to take over the role of this massive game and rerecord years of work and mocap. They kept reworking Wyll to make him work, to make the best version of Wyll.


Thrust of this piece is right except "many homebuyers want double garages, driveways and big gardens. And the big developers ... like these better too". If you go to a modern estate you will find none of these things. Developers are building tiny homes in tiny plots.

New towns are back. But can we still build them?
New towns are back. But can we still build them?

To solve its housing crisis, Britain needs to start planning again — and rekindle the urban idealism of the postwar decades


be nice to developers or i will be forced to pull the "you have no idea what you are talking about, just stop talking" card. it's hilarious how people will spew mean garbage about developers and then become surprised when someone is just as mean back.


That's no different than using a library or framework instead of manually writing the underlying code. The introduction of frameworks did not make software developers obsolete. As it is, AI-generated code requires careful inspection, so it's not exactly painless. 4/5


At best, AI can be a mediocre coder. Moreover, the notion that you can create a great program from a detailed up-front spec is long disproven, but that's at the core of the AI-will-replace-developers argument. That spec will be rendered worthless with the first release. 2/5


I've been reading a lot of AI stans claiming that AI will replace software developers—clear proof that whoever claims that is not a developer. First, the days of the coder—who just codes up a specification—are over. A software developer does way more than code—it's a multidisciplinary skill. 1/5


i am too mean when it comes to game development discussions with non-game developers but i cannot get the bad taste out of my mouth when people start talking about gamedev like they have even the slightest clue what's going on and start talking shit about developers who don't do this and that


#developers Anyone have a clue what I am actually looking at here?


There is also a huge amount of resistance by local governments, landlords, and developers to listen to hazard mitigation planners. There's somebody who tried to ring alarm bells about development in flood plain around Asheville and they were AT BEST ignored.