apricots remind me of my aunt asking me what snacks she should bring to the pool. She and her children were very over weight. I was dieting. I told her fruit. That I recommend an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables. She had a huge bag of apricots from the farmer's market...


When I first stopped dieting and started intuitive eating, I didn't understand how non-dieters weren't always thinking about food. Cut to 6ish years later and now I barely even think about food unless I'm hungry or watching a cooking show. Diet culture really is insidious.


Dueting not dieting!!


Guitarist Derek Bailey and tap dancer Will Gaines recorded an entire album of them dieting. It’s probably the piece of music I most wish I’d have made:

Derek Bailey and Will Gaines 1995
Derek Bailey and Will Gaines 1995

YouTube video by freeavantgardevideos


Dieting sucks. But you know what else sucks? Not saving 15 percent or more on car insurance because you didn't switch to Geico.


I’m in my 50s (so earlier Gen X). The 1970s to 90s were bad. People my age have lots of body and health issues related to yo-yo dieting and aggressive fat-shaming.


Millennial dieting: finding out the absolute worst news about their brightest stars.


Yeah, ok. I dabbled in dieting as a teen, then had my first major break up while living in a share house with two genuinely unstable friends, gained my first eating disorder but avoided hospitalization (which my friends did not) was scared straight for a while, then ended up in ww 10 years later...


Also they believed some weird shit way back when

Are you getting enough sugar to keep your weight down?

Sounds strange until you consider the necessity for appetite control when dieting

How do you curb a king-size appetite?

The easiest way is sugar. No other food satisfies your appetite so fast with so few calories

That's why you'll find sugar in so many modern reducing diets

Why today's active women need more sugar. You won't find the modern woman rocking on the porch. She's out bowling or golfing on the weekends, and joining the children's activities in between. This strenuous life requires energy - the kind sugar provides. That's why active people who know their energy needs include sugar in their diets.

Sugar makes peaches taste peachier! All of us talk about _tasting_ food, but now science tells us that your sense of smell is also very important in your recognition of flavors. Recent experiments indicate that usgar releases hidden vapors in foods, delivers a stronger flavor message, helps you distinguish subtle differences

yup. and we live in a culture that actively encourages EDs through dieting! that has not changed!