One thing I appreciate about the internet plus music digitization is the ability for songs to cross generations. It's what enables me to listen to as much deep-cut 80s music as I do, and I'm truly grateful for it. When I can't pay for a music service anymore, or they become obsolete, I'll be sad.


Fascinating stuff. Working on a similar project with the transfer and digitization of our own Faculty of Dentistry graphic materials to our Archive with the assistance of a [thankfully] very involved group of dentistry faculty and alums.


Did my share of phone phreaking growing up. Got more into it when I started working in hotels and had access to our old analog PBX systems. Sadly that was at the end of the era before digitization but managed a couple of years of fun.


Shoot, skip all the ads on that "culture" piece & head right to the good stuff, the full digitization of the MS:


Digitization practice from two years ago that I never posted, plus a traditionally colored version of the inks I scanned for funsies. This is an edgy Mew Ichigo but I'm still kind of fond of how it came together, maybe I should try to OC-fy this somehow! #art#TokyoMewMew 🎨

A digitally colored illustration of a stylized, slightly edgy version of Mew Ichigo in streetwear
A traditionally colored illustration of a stylized, slightly edgy version of Mew Ichigo in streetwear

Predefined data entry forms are typically a dumpster fire, ranging from ignorant to criminal. Criminal example: Auschwitz prisoner index cards (Häftlings-Personal-Karten) recorded the death date & reason under "Release:" ("Entlassung:"). IBM digitization ("Hollerith erfasst") didn't make it better.


Yeah it Greek fire was basically deployed via medieval flamethrowers. Sorry for the poor quality of the image, link to the MS digitization below.