Also, there's a huge overlap between the functional impacts of disability and SES.


The Globe Editorial Board – a longtime critic of Boston Public Schools – says we should choose which schools to close based on "academic performance". BPS already segregates its high schools based on disability and language, so the Globe thinks we should just close schools serving high-needs kids.

What Boston can learn from other cities that closed schools - The Boston Globe
What Boston can learn from other cities that closed schools - The Boston Globe

District leaders should take the academic performance of schools into account as they decide which ones to close or consolidate.


thank you sweetie, never thought on my military disability we could afford it, but we did... 🥰


And before anyone says, “Perhaps Kyla isn’t on IMBd”, eerrm yes she is. IMBd says that Kyla “advises and supports inclusivity in the industry, as chair of the Disability Screen Advisory Group for the British Film Institute (BFI) and a British Film and Television Awards (BAFTA) member.”


I do support the drive to cure #mecfs, obviously. But rn I'd honestly settle for people in the medical professions all understanding: a) that it exists, b) that it is of physiological, not psychological etiology, and c) that even so-called "moderate" mecfs is a serious, life-altering disability.


genuinely all i want to do is write jisung sucking and fucking but i have a job and a disability that makes me exhausted on a regular day


You can learn all about this and more in the video series I made exposing the entire


Well, this is gonna suck... Despite the fact I KNOW I put in my disability details, my registration for wasn't submitted as part of the accessibility lottery for some reason, meaning I now face the proposition of needing an accessible room but it not being likely I get one 😫


I've got my social insurance medical examination at 8.20 tomorrow morning. I'm not looking forward to that at all. Feeling very anxious about it. Dunno why. It's not as if I've lied about anything, and my right leg below the knee is definitely missing, so I should get my disability group no problem.I've got my social insurance medical examination at 8.20 tomorrow morning. I'm not looking forward to that at all. Feeling very anxious about it. Dunno why. It's not as if I've lied about anything, and my right leg below the knee is definitely missing, so I should get my disability group no problem.


(And most of the time even the bottom row doesn't look like that. Maybe they have a token queer person or a token PoC, but usually not both and usually not a disabled person on top - unless the disability hasn't been disclosed, in order to have a chance at getting the job. 😕 )