Now, I say this while also noting that many doctors are themselves Autistic. Both of those things are true at once. My son is on a long waitlist to see a dysautonomia specialist. In a podcast (aimed at doctors) I listened to this specialist recommend young med students specialise in Autism.


hello! i’m struggling with being active. i’m recovering from a viral infection whilst immunocompromised w long covid, i’ve come on my period and i have pcos, i have fibro, dysautonomia/POTs. im audhd. i am STRUGGLING. i am housebound and mostly bedbound. i cant be up. please help if you can!💕💸♿️


An unhappy reality for many with LC is, once you have it, even other small illnesses, like a cold, can trigger your worst symptoms, particularly in those w/ POTS or other dysautonomia after Cøvid.

Virale Interferenz: Erkältungen könnten Long-Covid-Rückfälle auslösen
Virale Interferenz: Erkältungen könnten Long-Covid-Rückfälle auslösen

Menschen, die von Long Covid genesen sind, können durch Infektionen mit anderen Erkältungsviren einen Rückfall erleiden, wie Forschende auf ...


will be good for my dysautonomia methinks


My body's temperature regulation is so off tonight that I'm uncomfortably cold despite it being 77 degrees in my bedroom. Thanks, dysautonomia! What a neat way to save on cooling costs.


I have just been on an advocacy and education mini-spree with my medical team these last few months! But it's honestly really gratifying how happy they are to access the materials and learn more. They are seeing more patients with dysautonomia and fatigue, and don't really know how to help.


NGL am apprehensive about anything that could stimulate my immune system. Some people spent a day in bed after mRNA? 😆 How about 3 years of dysautonomia, MCAS, arrhythmias, PEM, chronic teleogen effluvium and a possible whole new autoimmune disorder? It’s no wonder we feel so abandoned 😭


cardiology for my pots/dysautonomia. this is a re-referral after i was discharged because the cardio nurse (never even saw a cardiologist😬) called me fat and said covid had no affect on the heart or cardiovascular systems which i laughed at but anyway. rough. it slowed things down by 2 years.


i’m chronically ill and multiply disabled. i have a bunch of mental illnesses and long covid after an infection knocked me out 2.5 years ago. covid triggered so many further issues for me. tachycardia, dysautonomia (pots diagnosis incoming), tinnitus + hearing loss, fibro, CFS, cognitive decline etc