It should be noted, Ms. Banting has contacted me and wants me to use the name she currently publishes under – Emily C. Banting. I shall begin to try to comply with her wishes #EmilyCBanting#EmilyBanting


It should be noted, Ms. Banting has contacted me and wants me to use the name she currently publishes under – Emily C. Banting. I shall begin to try to comply with her wishes #EmilyCBanting#EmilyBanting


In August swelter, when sun provokes sweat and swoon, the witch picks plants to ease the burning temperatures of the coming ice-hardened months. She an instinctual makes link between summer and winter fevers. In that connection, cure. – #EmilyBanting#WitchSky


In the fox light enjoyed towards the ending of an August day, invisible spirits dance upon barn roofs and long shadows stretch the fields. The coming of harvest is felt as a holiness, as ritual resolution of our relationship to the land. Fuses are in our blood. – #EmilyBanting


Today I shall pull on the green cloak of the wood, make pilgrimage along brook to the water's source. My skin will wear the wild dappling of summer shadows. I shall walk and talk with spirits that speak in the rasp of stream across stone. I shall be blessed. – #EmilyBanting


The salt-hag may know the secret paths to occulted coves, but that does not mean she has to walk them. For a large part of the wisdom of the witch is in knowing which thresholds to cross and which to stand and watch from. - #EmilyBanting#WitchSky


For I am a brackish witch. For I am a salt-hag. The turning tide pulls me across the land. I flow towards the sea like a stream from the high moors. In my walking to waves, a wake of the land's magic follows me as I go to make saline spells. #EmilyBanting#WitchSky


There's a spot on the flowered hills outside Pakeford where you can feel the estuary salt riding the wind. Feel it offering your skin tidal kisses. As a brackish witch, this place sings to me. A call and response between land and sea. – #EmilyBanting#WitchSky


The salt-hag climbs cliffs that are never likely to be part of any official coastal path. She walks with the wind. Listens to the waves bring her news from far shores, the deep palaces of below. She needs no broom to touch the sky. – #EmilyBanting#WitchSky


The witch-walk is a navigation of thresholds. We know the power in thin moment between farmed field and feral edge. Know the delicious magical tension between blue sky and the bruising of oncoming storm clouds. The brink is an engine to us. – #EmilyBanting#WitchSky