A couple of recent pours fresh out of a pull. We encourage suggestions to bring to life what you're looking for! We MAY be doing customs in the nearish future 👀 #furryart#dice#dnd

clear blue and gold dnd raw dice set fresh out of a mold
dark blue and gold dnd raw dice set fresh out of a mold

Man I look back on who I was before 23 and I'm frankly stunned anybody saw enough potential in me to stick around and encourage me to grow into someone better. I did not have that kind of perspective about other people back then.


I was expected to encourage my customers to use or get a max card. When they’d ask me what the benefit was, my revenge was to shrug and say “nothing. sometimes milk. They just force us to ask you.”


I think I'm gonna use some of these stickers to decorate my cane, maybe that would encourage me to actually use it more often lol I did trade my last Falin pin with my stall neighbour to get a dunmeshi cane strap though and I'm super excited about that :D


That comment about “just move” got me mad as hell and I wrote about it here. Please share if you think it would encourage people to vote. (If not appropriate to post this here or you’d like me to delete, please just let me know.)

Flying Dragons, Vaporettos, and Climate Change
Flying Dragons, Vaporettos, and Climate Change

Any scifi fantasy fans out there? Years ago I read Anne McCafree’s Dragonriders of Pern series. Short version: Hundreds of years after…


I'm really sorry, that's an extremely tough thing to deal with I imagine. I wish I had the expertise or personal experience to suggest something helpful. I'm just really sorry but encourage you to keep finding yourself, it will happen.


Could the election encourage the federal government to provide more support than it otherwise would have? Both to individuals and municipal governments.


i’d encourage that


100%, Good, affordable public transport networks are absolutely essential to encourage people to use cars less. They are the backbone of society.


The Brookline Community Development Corporation’s Annual Community Gala will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 6:30 – 10 pm. We encourage everyone to support this fantastic community organization, and attend! Last year's celebration was a lot of fun! Learn more below:

Oct. 19, 2024 - Annual BCDC Community Gala | Brookline Community Development Corporation (BCDC)
Oct. 19, 2024 - Annual BCDC Community Gala | Brookline Community Development Corporation (BCDC)

BCDC is a community-based organization focused on creating and preserving affordable housing, increasing economic opportunities for low and moderate-income residents, and ensuring that low and moderat...