📃Scientific paper: Epidemiology and direct healthcare costs of Influenza-associated hospitalizations – nationwide inpatient data (Germany 2010-2019) ➡️ Continued on ES/IODE


📃Scientific paper: Genomic epidemiology reveals 2022 mpox epidemic in New York City governed by heavy-tailed sexual contact networks ➡️ Continued on ES/IODE


I demonstrate because neither the politicians, the authorities, nor the medical establishment are taking the current risks of COVID-19 seriously enough, and because the media has failed in its investigative role in this matter.

Several professional groups — with a few individuals as exceptions — have significantly underperformed since the start of the pandemic and need to reflect on their roles in society:

Infection control professionals need to start caring about infection control.
State epidemiologists need to update themselves on epidemiology. 
Public health agencies need to start working for public health.
Doctors need to educate themselves on diseases they lack knowledge of.
Politicians need to start acting for the good of the population.
And journalists need to start practicing journalism worthy of the name. The public needs to be offered scientifically accurate information about what is happening and what can be done about it.

Please support by retweeting! Thank you!!

finally decided to get some writing out in a blog on marxism, disability justice and the pandemic first in a series of posts on 'vulnerability' and vulnerabilisation is up now and I'll plug some excerpts this week

Marx in the Pandemicene

This is a short-form blog which aims to bring a materialist analysis to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic—an intersection of Marxism and disability justice with a little psychoanalysis and critical review of the scientific literature too—in order to examine its wider role in furthering eugenics, imperialism, and genocide. The aim is to leverage some more well-theorised concepts from other fields (e.g. biopower / necropolitics, vulnerability / abjection, denial / disavowal / repression, medical gaze / iatrogenic harm, crip / queer theory, epidemiology) to help re-centre the increasingly invisibilised issues of disease and public health in the ultimate question of global liberation.

Expressions of interest are welcome for a Master of Research (MRes) with me at the University of Liverpool in 2025–2026, focusing on bacterial genomic epidemiology, infection, and antimicrobial resistance. Please DM me to discuss research projects and scholarship opportunities.


Evaluating Binary Outcome Classifiers Estimated from Survey Data arXiv:2311.00596v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Surveys are commonly used to facilitate research in epidemiology, health, and the social and behavioral sciences. Often, these surveys are not sim 📈🤖


I'm just thankful he's spending less time explaining epidemiology to epidemiologists and virology to virologists.


This paper is about statistics. I LOVE statistics. I think it should replace calc as the K-12 capstone. But most important time ever? I genuinely doubt it. I'd probably say the early 1900's. Epidemiology. Cryptography. An educational system that can sustain improvements. Low base rate of numeracy.


Epidemiology, genetic characterization and population structure analysis of lumpy skin disease virus from North India


I demonstrate because neither the politicians, the authorities, nor the medical establishment are taking the current risks of COVID-19 seriously enough, and because the media has failed in its investigative role in this matter.

Several professional groups — with a few individuals as exceptions — have significantly underperformed since the start of the pandemic and need to reflect on their roles in society:

Infection control professionals need to start caring about infection control.
State epidemiologists need to update themselves on epidemiology. 
Public health agencies need to start working for public health.
Doctors need to educate themselves on diseases they lack knowledge of.
Politicians need to start acting for the good of the population.
And journalists need to start practicing journalism worthy of the name. The public needs to be offered scientifically accurate information about what is happening and what can be done about it.

Please support by retweeting! Thank you!!