A big reason we are in this catastrophe is because governments are more focused on criminalizing the people who are protesting the climate crisis, instead of the fossil fuel executives who are responsible for it.

Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US
Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US

Lobbyists and lawmakers have coordinated to enact new laws that increase criminal penalties for peaceful protests


essa tonhona é um fóssil de 31 anos? que mico do caralho viu


not all matts but somehow always this fkn guy


As a very serious person, I'm confused about this.

Isn't that obviously the point? If you can make carbon capture work, then you can keep burning fossil fuels and not worry about the climate impact — which would be good because climate change is bad.

A Chevron opera extração de gás fóssil e gasodutos na costa da Palestina, tornando-a uma grande parceira no genocídio de Israel contra os palestinos em Gaza, no apartheid energético israelense, no bloqueio militar ilegal em Gaza e na exploração de terras e recursos palestinos.👇

AFOPA Events Calendar — Australian Friends of Palestine Association
AFOPA Events Calendar — Australian Friends of Palestine Association

Palestine events around Australia.


✅ Guerra e apartheid significam grandes lucros para a Big Oil. A máquina de guerra de Israel, responsável pelo assassinato de dezenas de milhares de palestinos, depende do fornecimento de combustível e gás fóssil de empresas como a Chevron, dona da Caltex aqui na Austrália.👇


Thoughtful piece: Our leaders are collaborators with fossil fuel colonialists. This is the source of our communal dread.


Technology for churches to be wind-powered was developed in the 1720s, but fossil fuel coal mine owners bumped off the inventor to protect their profits

Photo of a black and white photo in a book of the windmill at Blatchington West in East Sussex. Looks like someone whacked a set of windmill blades on the spire of a flint church

Like, there is air pollution from burning gasoline, and fossil fuels will get more expensive and rarer as the most exploitable deposits get used up, etc. But if we acutally could just snap-our-fingers and get carbon neutral? Boss.


I do grudgingly think there's at least something to the point where if we can carbon-capture everything we emit, then the urgency of transitioning from fossil fuels wanes considerably. That said, it's not even kinda possible.


"Americans eat like they have free healthcare" How idiotic! "Humans burn fossil fuels like they have a second earth to move to" Aren't we all idiotic?