More soggy season 'shrooms. Mostly various patches of very large mushrooms along a busy but tree lined and sheltered grass verge. Just once, it would be nice to see one that's not fungus brown with my own eyes. #fungifriends

Tiny single brown and white mushroom barely poking through the grass and weeds.
Small brown button type mushroom clump on a roadside grassy kerb.
Single textured brown mushroom grown taller that the grassy kerb it's in.
Three orangey brown mushrooms in various stages of growth beside a tree on a roadside grass verge. One with the largest flatest top is starting to split and is past its best. A tiny one on its right is just starting to unfurl. The third one is frilly looking and twisted.

Sunday hike impressions. #fungifriends ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ“ธ

White mushrooms in grass
A white, spherical mushroom in grass
Mushrooms with long and thin dark stems and white and gray hats on brown leaves surrounded by green moss
Brown mushrooms in green grass

Just a smudge on the rock. Up close, there are craters with purple interior. It may be Diploschistes sp. due to the cracks in the thallus, but I am not sure. I love the lichens with elegant small apothecia. Sugadaira Kogen, Ueda, Nagano #Lichen#FungiFriends#ๅœฐ่กฃ้กž

Close-up of the crater-like apothecia of Diploschistes lichen. The interior of the crater is deep purple, while the rim is white-grey. The body of the lichen is also white-grey and the craters are separated with cracks in the body.
White patch on the rock is the colony of Diploschistes lichen. Small white dots can be seen in the central part of the colony.

Everyone walked right past this Peltigera. I think some rare lichens like Lobaria and Peltigera thrive so close to the trails because people leave them alone. Flowers are pretty so they get picked. Good to be dull sometimes. Sugadaira Kogen, Ueda, Nagano #Lichen#FungiFriends#ๅœฐ่กฃ้กž

Close-up of the โ€œnailโ€ of the Peltigera lichen. It is orange and jagged, while the lobe on which it is located is dark green.
Colony of Peltigera lichen. The wide lobes are dark green, almost black. The โ€œnailsโ€ or spore producing part on the edge of the lobes are green.

idk why i didnโ€™t expect this app to have such a big fungi community ๐Ÿ˜ฏ but i like the pics that pop up on my discover page lol i stumbled upon this outside of a museum, can anyone identify it? ๐Ÿง #fungi#fungus#fungifriends#mushrooms ๐Ÿ„


Some fungi finds for #FungiFriends include resinous polypore, oysters, golden pholiota and wolf's milk


Big chonky friend XD #fungifriends


#fungi#fungus#FungiFriends Trilha do Cristรณvรฃo, Campina Grande do Sul PR.