[Back Home ⚾️ Grid] Not too bad, despite Silver Slugger and Astros categories. Stinkin’ Astros. Four Reds: Gant, Knight, Landestoy, and Concepcion! Blackmon yesterday and Keuchel today. I declare it to be Big Beard Weekend! Among Mexican-born players […] [Original post on]


Yes, and this thinking also supposes a) you can just move whenever you want (never mind job scarcity, cost) and b) that you have no attachment to home. As someone with burned-down home in fire country, I'm here to say it's not that easy. I wouldn't desert a sick parent; I won't desert a sick home.


After driving myself back home I have to deal with more mental stress 🙃


Sure. If it makes a few Trump-skeptic immigration hawks comfortable staying home on election day, that's good But it's been refreshing seeing Dems take the initiative on policy areas where they've been traditionally defensive. It'd be nice to see that carry over to immigration going forward


Nodens! Thank you sm for the artshare 💛 Your work is incredible, and I love seeing it coloring my timeline! I'm Oriel, Brazilian artist currently working with commissions! My focus is characters, fantasy themes and queer/disabled OCs! #art#BRart#bskyart

My OCs AME, YUKI and ARASHI respectively, from a fiction band I made up called "drizzle/LAND". They are side by side, the image edited in different squares where each member can be seen, mimicking an album cover or band poster with a logo saying "drizzleLAND" at the bottom. 

AME is fat and dark skinned, with straight dark hair dyed pink underneath, and purple eyes. YUKI is also fat, very pale skin and waist-lenght hair dyed white with her natural roots showing and a long fringe; her eyes are golden. ARASHI has tan skin, short auburn dark hair dyed teal on the tips. Her eyes are teal blue and she has freckles on her face. 

All characters are Japanese (AME is mixed race, Japanese/Brazilian) and all of them are wearing similar / matching outfits, AME wearing mostly purple and gold; YUKI dark teal and gold; and ARASHI dark blue, light teal and gold. All of them are smiling, and they have flowers and gold jewelry that looks like drops of rain decorating their hair
"We are ancient, as ancient as the sun
We came from the ocean
Once our ancestral home
So that one day we could all return
To our birthright, the great celestial dome

(...) We are the children of the sun
Our kingdom will come
Sunflowers in our hair
We are the children of the sun
Our carnival's began
Our songs will fill the air"
("Children of he Sun" - Dead Can Dance) 

Original Digital illustration inspired by the song "Children of the Sun", by Dead Can Dance. It portrays three black young, ethereal children wearing sunflowers and coins in their afro-styled hair, a long yellow sash around their torsos and wearing white, flowy pants. They are wearing brown, leather guards on their feet. Their eyes shine with a supernatural glow, and they have glittery, golden freckles on their round faces. They are floating over still water, and a bright sun shines behind them.
Digital art, colored; full body commission of a centaur girl walking through a colorful forest; she's looks in her early 20s, and she has long dark, braided hair and a tan/dark skin tone, and light brown, golden eyes. She's wearing a black top covering her human torso, and a book and many accessories hanging from a belt on her waist. Her horse half is brown with white spots, and a large white portion on the back.
Digital art in full color. My interpretation of the mythological character Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon. In the Trojan War story, Iphigenia is sacrificed to goddess Artemis, so the winds would blow again and his ships could set sail. In my version, Artemis interferes before the girl is killed, taking her under her wing as a huntress / pupil. Here, Iphigenia is a 10 year old little girl with black skin and long dark hair in locks. She's in the center, posing mid jump as she is shooting an arrow made of blue light towards us the viewers. She's wearing Greek draped clothes, the skirt going down to her  knees, and a metallic tiara on her head, shaped like antlers. She's sided by the spirit of animals sacred to Artemis (a she-bear and a deer). Behind her there's a huge full moon, and the trees of a forest.

“all we wanted, was a place to feel like home”


Tem que forçar muito pra chamar No Way Home de porcaria, até no exigente Metacritic o filme é bem avaliado. Porcaria é 90% do falido DCEU


I try and drink ‘everything’, apart from most lagers. Tonight’s drink in pic. But I also haul quite a bit from back home. The main reason why I usually go by car + ferry/Chunnel rather than fly (I’d certainly not go by train😂)… I built a 12 sq m shed years ago and that’s where the Belgian beer lives


nem todo mundo mora em cidade grande... trabalhar home office nao ajuda mt tambem, acaba faltando um terceiro lugar e pela cidade ser pequena sao poucas opcoes de lugares etc mesmo hj eu me sentindo mais segura pra falar com estranhos