When the baby is born, the placenta is ejected alongside it. The baby can no longer consume its mother's blood. Its stomach can't consume foods and its immune system isn't developed. So during the pregnancy prolactin hormones causes the mum to form mammary glands that secrete milk!When the baby is born, the placenta is ejected alongside it. The baby can no longer consume its mother's blood. Its stomach can't consume foods and its immune system isn't developed. So during the pregnancy prolactin hormones causes the mum to form mammary glands that secrete milk!


I started hormones at 37


Affirmative action for trans people. Over the counter hormones, including testosterone. An actually useful apparatus for enforcing employment discrimination. Making gender-based dress codes illegal. Ending the gendering of birth certificates.


i started hormones at 27


others, had a great therapist and psychiatrist. They called 911 on me and an admin called me about my message and stayed on the phone until the paramedics arrived. They never followed up, never answered my questions about hormones and birth control. I found a new gyno and am careful what I say now.


And read Cox’s piece, it’s great. My suicidal ideation became a constant drumbeat, and has only gotten modulated, not gone away. I was trying to find out if it was hormones, and told my then OBGYN I’d like to switch birth control to see if it helped the SI. Made clear I wasn’t a danger to myself or


It may not do it to you, I know people who are fine except for hot flashes. But I wish they better understood how all the hormones affect our brain, and what happens when those hormones go wild.


Perimenopause broke my brain. Made my treatment resistant depression stop responding to the one med that had been decent, made my previously masked to oblivion autism impossible to ignore. I stayed on birth control until I was eligible for HRT to keep my hormones somewhat stable.


“Phallus-preserving vaginoplasty” actually does exist ! A friend of mine told me about knowing two girls who’ve gotten it and were happy with the results! You’d need to go on exogenous hormones (t or androgel basically) & research how it interacts without HRT but it’s a form of bottom surgery.


The rage is why i started HRT. I was so woefully uninformed about perimenopause that i just thought I’d be off the hormonal roller coaster, but THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN Could’ve started T years ago if i hadn’t been convinced i was almost done with hormones 😭