1. Good to know that UsaToday will be the new leaflet-pumper of their faccio project? 👀GOOD👀TO👀KNOW👀. 2. wonders if Kevin Roberts attended Diddy's #FreakOffs, on the late 1990s-early 2000s? and if it's *coincidental* to his investments in the Hotel&Resort sector of the economy?

a man wearing a red white and black hoodie holds up his hand
a man wearing a red white and black hoodie holds up his hand

ALT: a man wearing a red white and black hoodie holds up his hand


With U.S. dollar depreciation looming, it's time to rethink investments. Focus on foreign currencies like the yen, gold for stability, and look to Hong Kong/Taiwan stocks as capital shifts. Follow big players to anticipate market moves. #InvestSmart#GlobalEconomy


Who would out perform Chinese dragon 🐉 vs Indian tiger 🐅 ?


A strong American EV market needs both “defense & offense” according to U.S. Trade Representative, Amb. Katherine Tai. After the U.S. levied a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, Tai says, “the defense is tariffs,” and the offense is “the investments we’re making.”

‘We are at an inflection point’: U.S. Trade Rep. on new Biden Admin tariffs on Chinese EVs
‘We are at an inflection point’: U.S. Trade Rep. on new Biden Admin tariffs on Chinese EVs

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai talks about the highwire balancing act between trade policy that helps consumers and hurts workers. With a growing, inexpensive EV market emerging from China, t...


the ones RUSHING into AI tech aren't doing it out of some Maslow-hierarchy need, it's a luxury item at this point, they're rushing to achieve market dominance and profit MASSIVELY off of potential advantages, dumping huge investments down the drain for just the *potential* of a future payout


Giving CBS's owners fresh hope that fascism will indeed come to bail them out when their various bubbles/investments crash by 2028?


🍞 shoes got me in then I thought geesh, only like a handful of ppl are gonna be this good. Even worse, they'll be serving AI slop for at least 5 years trying to return investments w/ ticket sales & low production cost which leaves an industry gap.🧐 Prob boycotted into oblivion, but still gap.🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm sorry, but in this state, when this shows up on an oversized glossy cardstock mailer with an expensive advertising photo on the other side, I get a little worried that I'm about to lose my retirement savings to some shenanigans. Capitalism. Love it or die broke.

Mailer from the University of North Carolina system (but addressed at a PO box down in Charlotte) proclaiming "Coming soon: A new way to manage your retirement plan investments." The paragraph copy in the shot reads, "You are our greatest investment, and The University want to support you by pro (…) competitive retirement benefits. This November (…)"