Sarah Parkinson

Political scientist at Johns Hopkins. MENA, org politics, disasters, violence, ethics, & qual methods. Wrote a book about Palestinian org evolution & social change in wartime Lebanon: EMT. Opinions my own.

Elia J. Ayoub

dad, husband, writer, post-doctoral researcher, podcaster, editor and human to two dogs. From Lebanon/Palestine, UK based. Founder of The Fire These Times (.com), co-Founder of From The Periphery (.com) and Newsletter writer at Hauntologies (.net)

Sam Heller | سام هيلر

Researcher and analyst looking at Lebanon, Syria and the wider neighborhood. Century International Fellow. Former Crisis Group. "Jamajem" means ☠️.

Middle-East Tracker

Monitoring News & Updates in 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 about the Middle-East Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran,Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen. 🆘

Kareem Chehayeb

Associated Press correspondent reporting on Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.

Kristine Hunt

I teach history (US & world) to undergrads. A scholarly copy editor for 20+ years. Northwest Editors Guild board secretary, Friends of the Lebanon (OR) Public Library vice-president. Gardener, cat wrangler. Opinions mine. She/her On Santiam Kalapuya land

☭ Hands off Palestine Lebanon Syria Haiti and Cuba

40+ communist. Anticapital. He/him/they/them. Name's Justin. Won't support pandemic plans that kill me. Leaving USA 😊 Lang pri: en/de/se/no, sec: pt/es/it/nl Followback to an immediate 💸 DM = spam report, list, and block

Lama Mourad

Assistant Professor @CU_NPSIA | migration, local governance, Middle East politics, Lebanon, research ethics | #FirstGen | she/her | Personal account & opinions

Nigel Bell 🍉

Still alive... HA - take *that* body! iZrael is an unfettered Apartheid state. Gaza, the West Bank & Lebanon are all expressions of Ethnic Cleansing. Zionists are to Jews what Nazis are to Christians.

Tylor Brand

Historian of awful things at Trinity College Dublin Author of Famine Worlds WWI, Lebanon, Famine and Disaster History