👉Corriger la désinformation "le plus grand défi consiste peut-être à mobiliser les gens, en particulier ceux qui pensent que le COVID est inoffensive ou qu'il n'est plus intéressant de prendre des précautions contre elle" #LongCovid#LongCovidKids#CovidLongPediatrique 7/


Verfügung stehen. Ohne diese Veränderungen wird kognitive Dissonanz den Fortschritt weiterhin behindern, und die Patienten werden unter den Folgen leiden.“ Quelle: Post von Dave it up auf X vom 24.09.2024, 15:47 Uhr #LongCovid#LongCovidKids#MECFS#COVID19#Corona#SARSCoV2#CovidIsNotOver

delaying responses to the opioid crisis in the twenty-first, this resistance to change has caused harm. Today, Long COVID is the latest frontier where cognitive dissonance is holding doctors back. By understanding the roots of this resistance and addressing it head-on through education, empathy, and systemic reform, we can begin to make progress in treating the millions of patients suffering from this complex condition. As we've seen throughout history, overcoming cognitive dissonance is the first step toward true medical progress.

Post auf X 15:47 • 24.09.24 • 52,3K Mal angezeigt

2/ "Among the few conditions that persisted longer following COVID-19 were some less frequent but serious conditions such as ME/CFS, which was especially relevant in adolescents." #PostCovid#MEcfs#CFS#LongCovidKids#LCKids


3/ “Although these more common groups of diagnoses did not always occur in the same sets of patients, this constellation of diagnoses is suggestive of #myalgicencephalomyelitis#chronicfatiguesyndrome#LCKids#LongCovidKids#MEcfs#PwME


Children get COVID, are disabled by COVID, die of COVID. But some people want to Restore Childhood Deaths.

top: graph by greg_travis of excess deaths among 5-17 year olds in USA, since 2010, showing below expected deaths 2020-21 (when children were protected by masking and distance) and much more excess death since then (it's the virus)
bottom: headline from Important Context by Allison Neitzel and Walter Bragman Sept 18, 2024: Who's behind Pro-Covid, Anti-Trans Dark Money Group Promoted by Moms for Liberty? New York-based Restore Childhood is flush with big money allies.