Had a lovely Sunday lunch in a friendly, local(ish) pub I'd not been to before. My Mum & I were the only women there. I think the men all did the same sport. I'm not sure what that was but definitely not extreme. Could have been bowls... Pretty sure no ironing boards or mountains were involved.


It's not even like golf would die out, there's plenty of areas where you don't need to waste a shitload of water on a course. It'd just go back to regions that are suited for it. Putting golf courses EVERYWHERE is like trying to establish alpine skiing in areas without mountains and/or snowfall.


Honestly it's amazing how much of our country is big squares, and then how much of the rest is little squares. And then there's mountains.


Anyway, don’t climb mountains. The mountains do not want you and they will kill you for your hubris.


The Sound was showing off last night. 🌿🌎

Dark trees silhouetted in the foreground, sunset-lit clouds rolling across the landscape, with mountains behind and then rows of golden clouds above.
The Olomouc Mountains in golden sunset lit, with beams of sunlight shining through the passes. Above, golden clouds. Below, Puget Sound and a row of dark trees in front of the mountains.
Puget Sound, dark below a cloudy sky. The left is in dusk, dark an almost foreboding. The clouds are dark and seem to be writhing. To the right, sunset and a wedge of golden sky slices in between water and clouds, tinting everything.
The dark waters of Puget Sound reflect the evening sky, bright reflected sunset amid dark shadowed troughs. A line of dark land and the. the grey Olympic mountains wispy with clouds, then the sunset, golden and filtered through clouds of every shape imaginable.

Latona’s son a dire contagion spread,/And heap’d the camp with mountains of the dead;


When towns were told to evacuate when dam failed, they evacuated.Water levels went to roofs of businesses & homes in Asheville NC. That wasn’t from dam breach, was flooding from torrential rains coming down from mountains from hurricanes Helene. No one had cell phone service/power. They knew to flee


when people from outside the mountains say "the holler" i physically cringe


At least we’re not dealing with flooding, lack of electricity, or clean water shortages. It’s one awful mess in the mountains in NC. That situation is dire.


Úlovek z dnešní procházky v Krušných horách (u Kr. Lesa). Subtropický křižák pruhovaný (Argiope bruennichi) na konci září, v horách, živý a aktivní. #spiders#argiope#araneae

Photo of a large specimen of Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi) on its web. Taken in Ore mountains of the Northern Bohemia.