NDIS is testing outcome-based payments in an effort to reduce costs and increase efficiency. 2025 is when the pilot is anticipated to start to be more results-oriented, the federal government has started testing an NDIS program.. 👉🏼 Visit For More:


I use my NDIS funding to formulate strategies with my psychologist to remain employed and avoid disclosing my disability as long as possible, and when I have to disclose how to do it in the least confronting way possible. That's progress baby!


He is, but I stupidly, STUPIDLY, nurtured some hope for our environment, Indigenous people, NDIS, those on benefits and those needing, you know, somewhere safe and pleasant to live.


Actually, the care of and support for Australians living with disability has always been costly; it's just that before the NDIS, much of this work was done for free, mainly by women, and not counted towards any government's bottom line. This is why GDP doesn't count unpaid work.


One of the problems of having the Qld LNP take government is they'll make promises before the election & after they'll blame Labor for not being able to complete them. Campbell Newman in 2012 on the NDIS. Everything gets put off further & further.

Queensland too broke for NDIS deal: Newman
Queensland too broke for NDIS deal: Newman

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman believes it will be at least two more years before his state can afford to pay its share of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).


Been a month for endings and new beginnings, very liminal. Multiple podcasts I love have suddenly ended, Cohost dies in 8 days, but also I'm less than a month from finding out if I get on the NDIS and a friend came back from the void. Full of creative energy again? Hope more good than bad is coming.

Photograph of a glazed donut and large iced mocha in a transparent plastic cup,  sat on a dark wood table in a petrol station.

"Albanese rattled off a list of policy achievements, from adjusting the Coalition’s tax cuts package, to overhauling the NDIS, reforming aged care, intervening in gas and coal markets" = tweaking policies inherited from previous govts 1/2

Labor has been damned as ‘mired in mediocrity’ – and Albanese cannot risk a steady-as-you-go approach
Labor has been damned as ‘mired in mediocrity’ – and Albanese cannot risk a steady-as-you-go approach

Stung by criticism, the Albanese government has hit back – but knows radical policies could easily see it out of power


I am over incompetent, unprofessional NDIS scammers. How on earth do these businesses pass the pub test? Come Monday we're cancelling our ♿️ agency. No SW came today despite reassurance. Since May they've consistently fucked up. Violating our ToS over & over, they've lost.