What a placeโ€ฆ #peace#paz#nature#natureza


"Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about the things that matter." ~ Martin Luther King ๐Ÿ“ธ Plymouth, Devon ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ #photography#nature#landscape#photographer


Liberals and conservative types: you will become more conservative when you grow older. Me: the more I work, and see the true nature of capitalism, the more socialist I become. Itโ€™s hard to be poisoned by greed when the capitalists in power refuse to let you have anything.


They aren't exactly in Fairview but not far. The Fairview Volunteer Fire Department posted the following this morning. (They have my parents' information.)

Friends and neighbors of the Fairview Fire District. We are barely getting cell service as each of you are. This is a large area outage. 
We are still performing missions of a critical nature and have not reached all areas of our district. We are working as hard as we can. Thankfully we
Have some local grading contractors who have stepped up and is helping clear us a path into areas that we canโ€™t access due to landslides and large trees and debris. It is taking excavators, saw and water rescue teams to slowly get through to everyone.
The things we all need have been requested and we are working on getting you food, water, and other services through various agencies. Water pickups and other supplies currently ARE NOT at any of the Fairview Fire stations. As soon as we are aware of those locations we will provide that information.
If you are not from Fairview or have no need to be on the roadways, please keep clear. If you encounter a barricade , it is there for a reason and for your saf

-1ยฐC in SEPTEMBER?? We decided to skip autumn entirely this year apparently? Nature seriously telling us to not pass Go, and go straight to JAIL.

Weather forecast for Stockholm today, showing a high of 11ยฐC and a low of -1ยฐC.

Kom uit die hoek, veel slootjes ipv hekken maar langs drukke wegen en met stieren etc. staan er zeker wel hekken. Genoeg boeren die hun kippen opgeslokt zien worden door vossen, die willen ze ook niet als wraak uitmoorden, itโ€™s nature. En wij mensen zijn de echte intruders ooit geweest.


148 dead now! One freak anomaly and hundreds dead and missing, with millions worth of damage. We canโ€™t fight nature, but zero chance of negotiation with earthโ€™s energy imbalance! Those who ignore science in all this have another think coming.

Rain-induced havoc leaves 148 dead, dozens missing across Nepal
Rain-induced havoc leaves 148 dead, dozens missing across Nepal

In Dhadhing's Jhyaple Khola area alone, 35 bodies were recovered after landslides buried four passenger vehicles.


Being in nature can help, I find. Despite all the cr#p on the news, nature (despite human intervention) carries on without us.