More nuclear energy industry is coming to New Mexico. Traditionally, nuclear in NM has meant "nuclear weapons", more so than almost anywhere else. But Kairos is betting big on benefits from being near the labs, for energy and not weapons

Kairos Power expands operations in New Mexico
Kairos Power expands operations in New Mexico

US-based Kairos Power is expanding its operations in New Mexico to build three facilities and create 100 jobs. Kairos Power…


More nuclear energy industry is coming to New Mexico. Traditionally, nuclear in NM has meant "nuclear weapons", more so than almost anywhere else. But Kairos is betting big on benefits from being near the labs, for energy and not weapons

Kairos Power expands operations in New Mexico
Kairos Power expands operations in New Mexico

US-based Kairos Power is expanding its operations in New Mexico to build three facilities and create 100 jobs. Kairos Power…


few years ago, I imported about 2 grams of yellowcake & 92g Uraninite for fun. now keep it locked in my hazardous materials box with a HASP + 2 padlocks. The Enforcement Decree of the Nuclear Safety Act in South Korea states that low ratio or natural ratio is permitted 300g for no reg. #nukesky

1 grams of yellowcake

Recently heard, Airport X-Ray is ruined photogenic films. So testing Aliexpress's Geiger Counter and Radium Clockhand(4.870 MeV). 1. Plastic - More than 1 mSv/h of Particle detected 2. 1mm Lead foil + Plastic - 0.3 mSv/h - household is 0.2 mSv/h - of Particle Detected #nukesky


Simultaneous single-particle uranium isotopic determination and fluorine detection is a useful new capability for nonproliferation and international safeguards. UF6 is the chemical form used in uranium enrichment, a key step in the nuclear fuel cycle 🧪

Simultaneous detection of uranium isotopes and fluorine advances nuclear nonproliferation monitoring
Simultaneous detection of uranium isotopes and fluorine advances nuclear nonproliferation monitoring

Combining two techniques, analytical chemists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have become the first to detect fluorine and different isotopes of uranium in a single particl...


The massive release of radionuclides into the ecosystem from nuclear weapon testing put "radioactive tracers" into the Earth's systems, allowing us to track and understand their dynamics. I have a chapter on this in my recent book.

Radioactive Isotopes Trace Hidden Arctic Currents - Eos
Radioactive Isotopes Trace Hidden Arctic Currents - Eos

Tracing anthropogenic radionuclides shows researchers how water from the Atlantic flows into and mingles with Arctic currents.


Putin will speak on nuclear deterrence at the RU Security Council meeting later today. Brace yourselves. #NukeSky


time for periodic (7-18 months-ish) news story on using nuclear weapons to deflect Earth impactors. It’s something semi-relevant folk at Labs can work on while waiting for clearances.

Nuclear blast could save Earth from large asteroid, scientists say
Nuclear blast could save Earth from large asteroid, scientists say

US physicists show how immense pulse of radiation could vaporise the side of asteroid and nudge it off course


ROK's Nuclear Safety Commission's budget for next year's marine radiation survey and assessment has been cut by more than half of this year's budget, threatening to halt the project to investigate radioactive contamination of Fukushima contaminated water from September next year. #nukesky