Good news from the dept. of me fretting about Apple’s involvement in OpenAI. This doesn’t undo OS-level ChatGPT integration but the less involved Apple becomes in OpenAI the better.


Will AI soon surpass the human brain? If you ask OpenAI, Google DeepMind & other large tech companies, it’s inevitable. However, researchers @Iris & @olivia at Radboud Uni and others show new proof that those claims are overblown and unlikely to ever come to fruition.

Don’t believe the hype: AGI is far from inevitable | Radboud University
Don’t believe the hype: AGI is far from inevitable | Radboud University

Will AI soon surpass the human brain? If you ask employees at OpenAI, Google DeepMind and other large tech companies, it is inevitable. However, researchers at Radboud University and other institutes ...


NotebookLM and OpenAI Advanced Voice Mode feel like we have entirely new ways we need to learn how to work with AI/LLMs again. Normally, when this happens we unlock a bunch of value.


You forgot OpenAI and Sam Altman 😂


part of the pro-openai case is that, in general, and including in a research context where people are doing things that are quite difficult and quantifying them fairly well, "the biggest possible model, applied bluntly to this specific task" almost always beats specialized/cleverer/smaller


The forefront of tech is creating shit that has no business being made yet. I can't stress enough that AI is the next Virtuosity VR of 2024. It's reliable like plastic keys in a baby's face but they grow out of it quickly and Altman birthed "value" of OpenAI. Soooo much garbage hardware soon.


No, Sam Altman, AI Won’t Solve All of Humanity’s Problems The OpenAI CEO’s recent mini-manifesto argues (again) that #AI will make the future impossibly bright. He could use a refresher course on the basics of human behavior.

No, Sam Altman, AI Won’t Solve All of Humanity’s Problems
No, Sam Altman, AI Won’t Solve All of Humanity’s Problems

The OpenAI CEO’s recent mini-manifesto argues (again) that AI will make the future impossibly bright. He could use a refresher course on the basics of human behavior.


Overheard someone at work say: “I was using OpenAI & I made—“ You didn’t make a damn thing! If you fed your dog until it shit, would you pick it up & say “I made that shit”?