the guy is unable to stop him from just doing whatever, and then the guy's wife/female companion suddenly bursts in throwing pots and pans and Sgt. James realizes he can't shoot a woman and runs in terror from this woman throwing kitchen utensils at him, which is what the antagonist was counting on


pior que os gays que falam isso só os bis/pans que vivem falando essa merda e mesmo assim só aparecem namorando homem 🫠 tipo bicha tua sexualidade inclui homem mesmo, tá tudo bem, para de encher o saco pfv


All jokes aside about Primanti Bros being mid, imagine they tried that shit at the original Strip location. Trying to fit dozens of people in that shop in a whim and then being rude? The shop keeps there would chase them out with pots and pans, tbh they should consider themselves lucky.


I was an extra in Ordinary People in high school. The opening sequence where Conrad walks to school makes NO sense. He walks back AND forth across the same park! Guys at the top of the LF beach stop to tie their shoes and the camera pans over the Lake Bluff beach! Much hooting ensued.


My family buying basically half my kitchen as a 'house warming gift' Got me a slowcooker, pot and pans set, colinder, potato peeler, salt and pepper shaker, roasting tin, and random tupperware 😂


Careful. Cast iron pans are a lifestyle choice. It's almost a cult.


Thanks! We’ll see how it pans out when my stuff gets here in two weeks lol So far though out of my 30 moves this was the worst 😅


Wake of the flood, laughing water, forty-nine, Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreamin' Get out of the way, get out of the way, Here comes sunshine, here comes sunshine.


Also handy that there's always someone else who killed more people than Israel, *IF* you limit Israel's carnage to a specific incident. We'll see how the death toll in Gaza finally pans out, but at the moment it's 40 times the 7th Oct. This is not a path I'd honestly advise you to proceed down.