this is something we have been taught from penology very early on. it is like: death penalty doesn't appear to be deterrent when it comes to crime


Our research centre, co-hosted by five Scottish universities, is now here on Bluesky: Please follow the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR):


Penology is not my area of specialty, but as I recall from taking & then teaching criminology classes, our understanding of criminal punishment is about social control combined with removing those deemed undesirable from society. Justified as deterrence, punishment, rehab, & justice. 4/


Really recommend anyone interested in prisons giving this a listen. I've worked in prison and criminal justice sector for most of last quarter century, but still found it illuminating, especially the discussion about shame.

Women Talk Justice
Women Talk Justice

Podcast · [object Object] · Anne Marie and Jess met in prison. Anne Marie was a prisoner, and Jess was an artist making a radio show. They soon became friends. This podcast outlines a series of events...


Finally getting round to reading this. The intro and first chapter are making me hopeful that I wasn't too bad a prison officer, despite all the mistakes I made. #criminology#penology#prison

Cover of book 'the good prison officer' edited by Andi Brierley

Thanks Hannah! I have started a criminology feed that gathers up everything with the following keywords: #criminology#penology#crimsky|


Enjoyed a quick visit to Cambridge this week. Lovely to catch up with colleagues and meet another wonderful new Penology postgrad cohort at the Institute of Criminology. #Criminology#AcademicSky

Image of ornate, older sandstone building – King's College at Cambridge University.
Image of red brick older building with sandstone archway – Selwyn College at Cambridge University.

Hi Vaclav, the description of the feed was incorrect, apologies! You don't actually need me to add you, the feed is open and picks up any posts hashtagged with criminology, penology and crimsky.