$100 came in while I was sleeping! That puts us at $263/$1085 Only $822 to go for Oct rent, due in 5 days, including grace period Please help keep this queer, autistic, disabled widow and their kids housed! 🙏😭💕💸


⚠️ URGENT NEED ⚠️ Still $1000 from meeting our rent goal, and October 1st is coming up fast. I'm disabled by long covid, have no income, no car, & no financial support. Please help me keep my kids housed. I'm begging you. 🙏💕💸


I made a big list of Bluesky


Less than a week until rent is due. Ours is $1085, and we still need most of it. Please help us if you have even a dollar that you can share. It all adds up! Thank you to everyone who's helping with mutual aid. So many are in need. 🥰💸💕 #helpsky#mutualaid#longcovid#pwLC


2/ "We also assessed lung parenchymal involvement at chest CT. More than two thirds of patients showed CT abnormalities, such as fibrotic alterations or persisting ground grass opacities, among both in- and out-patients." #CovidLung#PostCovid19#PwLC


2/ "Persistent activation of HIF-2α by [spike protein] led to disrupted endothelial integrity. [Human retinal endothelial cells] exposed to plasma from severely affected PCS patients showed increased [reactive oxygen species] and compromised barrier function." #LongCovid#PwLC

Graphical abstract

🧵 From Germany: Inhibition of HIF-2α Pathway as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy for Endothelial Dysfunction in Post-COVID Syndrome 1/

What Is Known?

Endothelial dysfunction (ED) is a consequence of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and may lead to Post-COVID syndrome (PCS) symptoms.

Patients with PCS show elevated inflammation and endothelial dysfunction markers.

Spike proteins can persist for up to 12 months post-infection, driving ongoing inflammation and immune activation.

What New Information Does This Article Contribute?

Low haemoglobin (Hb) and high VEGF correlate with higher Anti-S1 IgG and low Hb is associated with higher C19-YRS severity score.

PCS patients exhibit higher Erythropoietin (EPO) levels when compared to HC.

Spike protein 1 (S1) alone and PCS patient’s plasma induce endothelial dysfunction primarily through HIF-2α activation.

Both S1 and PCS plasma cause oxidative stress and disrupting endothelial integrity.

Inhibition of HIF-2α effectively restores endothelial barrier integrity disrupted by S1 and PCS plasma.

What New Information Does This Article Contribute?Persistent circulation of spike pr

"R&D for long COVID is collapsing: Public and private funding is lacking, scrambling opportunities to develop treatments"

In brief
Long COVID is a difficult therapeutic area to work in. It’s a scientifically challenging condition, but perhaps more critically, few want to fund new treatments. Private investors, Big Pharma, and government agencies alike see long COVID as too risky as long as its underlying mechanisms are so poorly understood. This dynamic has hampered the few biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies trying to develop new medicines. The lack of funding has frustrated people with long COVID, who have few options available to them. And crucially, it has snarled research and development, cutting drug development short.