Ahhh fuck I did it, I bought the fuckin' tetris mcnugget. I couldn't resist it please don't judge me, Tetris is one of my all time favorite games and the thought of having a mcnugget in my pocket that plays TETRIS as a conversation piece is awesome.


I can't resist any song that starts with "I was followed home by a weighing machine."


Butt -- is it art? (Sorry, I couldn't resist being cheeky.)

Photo of a white hardcover book sitting on a fluffy gray blanket. Resting on the book's corner is a bookmark with the image of a tan lion-faced door knocker with a ring in its mouth that has a snake curled around it. The book title in large black blocky font: MUSEUM BUMS. The title is laid out over the backside of a statue (possibly Greek or Roman) of a naked man and woman holding each other. A cloth wrap has mostly fallen off the woman and is wrapped loosely around her legs. At the base is a round shield and a short sword in a decorative sheath. Image of the statue is in black and white.  Smaller subtitle on lower left in black font: A Cheeky Look at Butts in Art. In tiny font underneath: Mark Small and Jack Shoulder

Forever crushes united. #NobodyWantsThis. And guess what - my mom is my watch buddy 😁 (Veronica Mars was also our project/rewatch; who can resist two snark pros)

a man and a woman sit on a bench with a dog and a netflix logo in the corner
a man and a woman sit on a bench with a dog and a netflix logo in the corner

ALT: a man and a woman sit on a bench with a dog and a netflix logo in the corner


In every sense, resistance is our only way forward. “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.” ― Antonio Gramsci #Capitalism#Genocide#Palestine#Lebanon#ClimateChange#Imperialism#Israel#TimeOfMonsters

X post by Craig Mokhiber @CraigMokhiber written in bold text

The West has created a Frankenstein monster, which, drunk with impunity, is rampaging across the Middle East leaving mangled bodies and rivers of blood everywhere in its wake. Rather than reining in the beast, they are funding, arming and insulating it from any accountability by international legal institutions & the Security Council. How many more innocents must die?  Will they drag the whole world into war? The task of stopping the monster and its sponsors now falls on all of us. Boycott, divest, sanction, prosecute, protest, demonstrate, educate, resist.

10:47 PM · Sep 28, 2024 · 114K Views

I was thinking that too ! All of a sudden I'm getting followed by some very odd people,mostly with no followers or nothing on their actual profile...of course it could be , that we're so incredible, no one can resist our charms 😅


I can’t resist a tweek either


My friends are great. Just had an extended discussion about this post and whether knuckles* would be corrupted. (And then about whether or not Gollum biting off Frodo’s finger is contrived. There’s a lot going on there) *we mixed up knuckles and shadow I think.

Tumblr post reading “Sonic the Hedgehog (sustained speed of 767 mph) could have made the journey from the shire to mount doom (1718.5 miles) in just over two hours. But also he famously loves rings, so he almost assuredly would have found the thrall of the Ring far too powerful to resist. Tails would have had to shoot him.”

Also what do you call dimples that are actually whole lines that appear across the cheeks when a person smiles? because I absolutely can't resist those and he has them!! I'm blushing non stop since the beginning of the episode this is embarrassing!


I think Anna from Berkshire is right that Justin could interfere in Fallon’s new venture. I don’t think he’ll be able to resist! And if he doesn’t, there are other alarming Board members who might stick their noses in? 😁