I am a massive rules nerd, but I prefer that the system should enable the story, rather than bolting on kludges to an existing scheme to make it work (d20/5e). Which is what CoC is: simplified Runequest with the Sanity mechanic added. Which is also increasingly recognised as being really ableist...


Also in 2018 started an epic RuneQuest campaign that ran for 4 years. My character Terrastal became one of my favourites, blundering his way through Glorantha, struggling with tradition and expectation. He was hot-headed and frankly I'm surprised he survived.


I knew you were a closet Glorantha & RuneQuest enthusiast 😉


2017 was a busy year. I played in a 24 hour charity RPG event in Southport with as GM running the Borderlands campaign with RuneQuest 2 rules. I loved playing this character and exploring the area.


A very productive morning. Book finished, bar any last-minute proofreading. Marketing mode next. "The Winter King", for #RuneQuest#Glorantha - coming soon!

Book cover for The Winter King. Jonstown Compendium. Brian Duguid | Bray | Chabant. The illustration depicts some kind of ice demon facing some kind of fire demon.

Shadowrun 20th Anniv is there too. Not on the pic is some Potatopunk stuff (like the wonderful Wild Side sourcebook), some old Ad&d stuff (from my teens, haven't cared for the dragon game in decades), and folderz full of old character sheets from those games and Runequest 3rd ed. Good times.Shadowrun 20th Anniv is there too. Not on the pic is some Potatopunk stuff (like the wonderful Wild Side sourcebook), some old Ad&d stuff (from my teens, haven't cared for the dragon game in decades), and folderz full of old character sheets from those games and Runequest 3rd ed. Good times.


Shadowrun 20th Anniv is there too. Not on the pic is some Cyberpunk stuff (like the wonderful Wild Side sourcebook), some old Ad&d stuff (from my teens, haven't cared for the dragon game in decades), and folderz full of old character sheets from those games and Runequest 3rd ed. Good times.


Top Magias hiper-específicas favoritas de RuneQuest: 5. Magia de melhorar cerveja. 4. Magia de fazer a lã de uma ovelha virar ouro. 3. Magia de mudar de sexo. 2. Magia de assustar cavalos (só cavalos). 1. Magia para comer plantas sem ofender as plantas.