Today we watched a Big Bang Theory episode involving citation checking, following an article being written. It was seen as a basic task to farm off (what they were doing wasn’t clear!) I enjoyed many critiques from a library, literature search & referencing perspective #SalientSeptember#Day29


Today I have ‘just’ been getting on with jobs. Two loads in the washing machine, three loads in the dishwasher, multiple meals, clothes folding. Etc. This could seem like a bad day, but was a good one, accompanied by a good audiobook, which I’ve nearly finished #SalientSeptember#Day28


Today I went on campus, just for a couple of hours on a normally non-working day. I attended the new taught PG students lunch, and saw a bit of what they were doing beforehand. A great atmosphere, and lovely to have quite a few people come and ask me questions. #SalientSeptember#Day27


Today I have done lots of reading. I’ve been very good and not been distracted by too many of the new books I’ve acquired in the last few days, and made progress on the one I was already reading. Have also nearly finished my (problematic) audiobook #SalientSeptember#Day26


This evening I went out to a book discussion / podcast recording all by myself, and it was wonderful. Including the evening bookshop browsing. Will do again (will be happy to have company, but also really enjoyed it solo) #SalientSeptember#Day25


Today I’ve been on 2 walks (maybe 3 if I count my walk to the station this am). I deliberately walked round campus at lunchtime. Then my friend & I somehow took a wrong turn, turning what should’ve been a 10 minute walk from our restaurant to Euston into at least 45 minutes! #SalientSeptember#Day24


Following a busy work day, which had lots of variety, I’ve enjoyed dinner and the last third of Saturday’s Strictly with my family (including completing our votes for week 1). A good evening, with all of us here - votes calculated despite an increase in voters! #SalientSeptember


There was the potential today for us being stuck, not easily able to get home, due to trains being cancelled, and friends’ cars not fitting us all. But we were in luck and managed to just catch the last train running for quite a while. It’s good to be home. #SalientSeptember#Day22


Today, at a chess tournament, I did what I often don’t do, and suggested to another family (already friends) that we go out for dinner. A lovely evening, after a long and fulfilling day. So often it’s worth asking #SalientSeptember#Day21


Today I have maybe made my last apple crumble with fresh apples of the year (maybe - there were some apples on the tree last I looked, but they’re likely to fall before I manage to pick). Looking forward to starting to use the pots in the freezer, and getting some space back #SalientSeptember#Day20