Is there anything like the routes tracker that SimCity4 had? That was so useful for figuring out where riders went.


They made a film about me playing SimCity4, yet ruined it. They should have consulted me first. And not only does everybody have a garden in my city, but they have a robot servant too. Does your Megalopolis have that?! #Megalopolis#SimCity4#Utopias

Nothing Cesar does seems all that smart. He mostly quotes 
 Shakespeare at length and says things like "what connects power also 
 stores it" during design meetings. It's unclear how his dream city is 
 being funded or constructed or how it will actually address real-world 
 issues like income inequality or joblessness, aside from giving every 
 adult their own personal garden. I'm not asking for a blueprint of 
 Megalopolis, but nothing in the city's concept ever rises above the 
 depth of a "The World If" meme. When Cicero questions whether 
 Cesar's city is realistic and is met with some philosophical musings, I 
 found myself siding with the crooked mayor. Like Coppola, Cesar is 
 only interested in questions, not answers. But this isn't a story about a 
 man's tragic, idealistic hubris, either his dream simply somehow 

last bit of tinkering on SimCity4 before the Monster show starts. In a rare instance for the genre I'm on the side of Humanity (I've seen this a few times before, so that's all I will say on the matter) #monsterdon#SimCity4




Made this cute little rural scene in my City today. It's one the shoreline of one of two mighty reservoirs in the south of my metropolis. It's more than just a 'city simulator', you get to paint with cities. #SimCity4#Gaming

Simcity4 Screenshot Isometric projection 
A water mill of brick and stone is powered by a brook in the centre of the image. Leading off NE is a grey cobblestone road with market stalls and refreshments on either side. 
This scene is on the shore of a reservoir, the water is deep blue, the shoreline is grey pebbles and marshy green rocks with cattails, dark green trees pepper the scene. 
There is one bright pink tree next to the mill

Simcity4 ans theme hospital


あったよsteam版 #simcity4 の日本語化に必要なディスク引っ越しのどさくさに紛れて無くなってなくてよかった