I saw a dude made a free application on Steam for planning factories and that just about sums up Satisfactory for me. I still yearn for the day someone throws some chaos into the formula. I wanna manage a scrappy factory while the environment and my enemies tear down its walls.


Peter Gabriel - Steam (1993) I find that Peter Gabriel songs fall into two categories: - songs about his dick - songs about him being a dick Steam feels like it could be both.


YouTube video by Peter Gabriel - Topic


the problem for me is that i can't really find that many family members in my actual family, how do they even check for "family" or can you do it with friends liek steam?


Acabei de acabar o HomeNaut, feito pela Origami Sword

Steam deck em uma mesa de madeira na tela final de créditos do jogo HomeNaut, com o agradecimento por jogar e a lista de créditos subindo. Na ilustração à esquerda dá pra ver o personagem no topo da geladeira conquistando o queijo e uma bandeira "HomeNaut" nele

(4) The steam engine was the way to no longer depend on the winds and streams for arriving on time to one’s destination. Still, steam engines were heavy and large. On top of that, they consumed very large quantities of coal, that was expensive and took a lot of space on board.

Ship model.

Blades driven by outlandish uses of steam, guns assembled for tinker's pleasure more than shooter's. But when I close my eyes, when the battle-trance sinks into dream, those forms are washed away by the same shining armor, the same righteous fury laced faintly with agony.


(1) Ships like the Bremen from 1858 brought the industrial revolution to the merchant navy. Despite her clipper hull and her three masts rigged as a bark, you may see the funnel of her steam engine hiding among the sails. Hybrid propulsion is, as you see, no recent concept. A #maritime thread.

Ship model.

Na semana q eu comprei na steam, meu pc queimou aaaaaaaa


Hoo boy. Not even gonna do a cursory Google search before you steam in with your takes, huh?


So Apocalypse World and then DW, and then others giving me incentives to play the game in the way that felt more fun, told better stories, and aligned with the themes of the game, as a mechanic players could specifically aim at with their storytelling felt like the invention of the steam engine.