1. artificial 2. truth 3. gimme gimme 4. gorgeous 5. nirvana


I started to research this, and so far my reading points to myths about Americans being litigious (data suggests otherwise) may have translated to overly risk-averse behavior to such a degree that it undercuts basic moral/ethical behavior (like news outlets failing to speak truth to power)


truth é uma delícia e eu sofro ouvindo


But there is an interesting contradiction in her argumentation here: she is simultaneously trying to argue that this high value for truth in writing is relatively recent ("Even a hundred years ago, this would have been a very rare way of looking at language") &that it has recently come under threat.


I am running out of steam and feel like I am starting to repeat myself, but there are also only two questions left in this trainwreck so let's push on to the end. Love of language as inextricable from love of truth. Note it is "the" truth.

You talk about how essential it is for writers to have a deep love of language. How is this inextricable from a love of truth?

Writing is a means of thinking. It is a way by which we come to understand what we ourselves think, and then revise what we think when we see how badly we have written it. Searching for precisely the right words, the right vessels, into which we can place our meaning in such a way that it can be received as completely as possible by our recipient has a great deal in common with searching for the truth. Writing is a means of finding the form in which to place the truth that—if we are lucky, if we have searched for long enough, if we have endured long enough—we have found.
Even a hundred years ago, this would have been a very rare way of looking at language. For most people, language is a means of getting what they want from the world and from other people. It does not involve an allegiance to the truth. Orwell, W. H. Auden, and Victor Klemperer wrote about this.

We see the sequel of the degradation of language they observed in the rush toward AI-generated text: the devaluation of the slow seeking out of truth, the slow seeking out of the right form with which to express that truth, in favor of what is fast, often incorrect, cheap, and easy. It is essentially an assault upon the reader’s time and attention. And it is done, as it was in Orwell’s day, in the search of profit, personal advancement, and convenience.

This is true, but they’re going to interpret it however, they want regardless of what the truth is. That’s why I’m focusing on trying to build up a third-party candidate that I believe in. I’m done wasting my time with these two corrupt parties.


Truth, I don’t have any worries that the Packers organization will burn to the ground over the course of this season.


artificial e truth estão crescendo cada vez mais pra mim acho que já viraram minhas favoritas do 143

a close up of a woman 's face with her hand on her face and pigtails .
a close up of a woman 's face with her hand on her face and pigtails .

ALT: a close up of a woman 's face with her hand on her face and pigtails .


Media Silence Trump Company CEO’s Unexplained Meeting With Balkans Leader Dirty Devin Nunes, the former congressman who runs the company behind Truth Social, traveled to North Macedonia as former President Trump vies to once again shape U.S. foreign policy.

Trump Company CEO’s Unexplained Meeting With Balkans Leader Raises Specter of New Conflict
Trump Company CEO’s Unexplained Meeting With Balkans Leader Raises Specter of New Conflict

Devin Nunes, the former congressman who runs the company behind Truth Social, traveled to North Macedonia as former President Trump vies to once again shape U.S. foreign policy.