Is there anything we can do (along with giving money to groups on the ground) for academics in Appalachia hit by these storms?


Academics tend to think it doesn't matter because they got to the bit of education after that when you're told it isn't really that simple actually. They like being in on the secret or smth. But they often still apply the same patterns. Especially to disciplines other than their own specialism.


I am going to need people schooled in the art of stage tricks to explain this. Dee made a man on a scarab fly to the eaves of Trinity’s main hall during a staging of Aristophanes. He claimed no magic was involved (audience disagreed).

The text is too long for alt text. In brief, Dee staged Aristophanes’ Peace, where a man flies on ghe back of a scarab. It was staged in Trinity main hall, in front of students and academics. The scarab lept from the stage, and Trygaeus was lifted to the eaves of the hall.
key part:
"Dee's coup de theatre had its intended effect. A 'great wondring' spread through the audience. Dee gave no clue as to how he actually made his creature fly around the stage but the mechanisms mentioned in his Praeface include pneúmatics, mirrors and springs. He also wrote a paper on the use of pulleys. An account of Trinity College's theatrical expenses for 1546 and 1547 survive, but provide little clue, merely listing such commodities as pitch, 'cressets' (iron vessels in which pitch-soaked tapers were burnt for stage lighting) and costumes. The only 'extraordinary item' listed is a 'great Rownd Candlestick for the stage in the hall' which cost four shillings and sixpence. 'Many vain reports' soon began to circulate speculating on how the effect had been achieved.' Some believed such an act of levitation could not have been realised by stagecraft alone.
Another, possibly diabolical force must have been deployed."

the thing you gotta love about academics is the same person who will tell you an entire lifetime isn’t enough to fully unravel the mystery of Charles Dickens’s 8th-best book will also tell you that an enduring and seemingly vexing geopolitical problem is actually very easy to solve forever.


mostly career academics ⬇️ yawl have embarrassingly inadequate social skills, do better u booky bitches 😶


But in all seriousness, some academics (including me) could really use a stern and unforgiving editor. The turn of phrase you thought was fun at 2 am isn't going to communicate anything other than that you thought it was fun at 2 am. Taking a machete to unwieldy prose can also be fun and cathartic!


Serious question (especially for academics): How do we divest from the publishing industrial complex and still share knowledge globally while ensuring job security most of all for those marginalised within the sector?


I deleted old tweets, but in 2019/2020 I had one that was a couple thousand RTs about a celeb hosting the debates, half replies were lmao and the other half were academics still defending the media.


Florida’s state universities in peril The cost has already been severe, and it is only going to get worse with professors looking to flee the state


I look forward to seeing and hearing your talk. I believe it will take academics, books, talks - and a whole lot more - to grow the understanding of these issues to the point such understanding will bear real fruit.