#alt4u Panel 3: Green, his eyes raised in exasperation and hands on his hips replies, "I don't know, Jason, are you circumcised?" Purple (Jason) reacts with shock. Panel 4: Jason angrily replies, "That's a really invasive question."


#alt4u Panel 1: Purple Hair eagerly asks, Hey, you're trans, right? Green seems uncomfortable. "Yeah..." they says. They thinks, "Please don't say it please don't say it" Panel 2: Purple asks, "Have you had THE surgery?". Green thinks "Goddamnit" and closes their eyes in disappointment.


#alt4u A four-panel comic featuring a purple-haired, pale-gree-skinned man in a blue shirt with a pink circle on it, a grey jacket and blue jeans, and a green-haired, light blue-skinned person wearing black pants and an orange shirt with rainbow horizontal stripes.


#alt4u reads "24 Hour Bail Bonds."


#alt4u The beige outer wall of a one-story building, with a weather-beaten black pickup truck parked in front of it facing the camera, bears signs as follows: Men's Legal Center Family Law Advocates National Coalition for Men Watkins Bail Bonds 24/7 A smaller lower sign half-obscured by a bush -->


#alt4u 25. Scariest game you've played? 26. Do you have a nickname? 27. Skills you would like to learn? 28. Do you have any plushies? 29. What's your charm point? 30. Any phobias? 31. What's your aesthetic? 32. Did you debut? 33. Title of a movie about you? 34. What are your 3 wishes?


#alt4u 13. Most played game? 14. What is your species? 15. Hobbies? 16. Languages? 17. Game you want to stream? 18. Morning person or night owl? 19. Current favorite songs? 20. Any other social media? 21. Tag a friend! 22. Introvert or extrovert? 23. When did you start Vtubing? 24. Coffee or tea?


#alt4u VTuber get to know me! 1 like = 1 answer! 1. Favorite color? 2. Favorite Vtuber? 3. Age? 4. Cats or dogs? 5. Seiso or 18+? 6. Height? 7. Favorite anime? 8. Do you have a greeting? 9. Birthday / Zodiac sign? 10. Pancakes or waffles? 11. What streaming platform(s)? 12. Favorite season?


#alt4u Bloomberg @business posted on Twitter, "Donald Trump sharpened his criticism on border security in a swing-state visit, playing up a political vulnerability for Kamala Harris." The headline "Trump Slams Harris on Border in Bid to Keep Edge on Immigration" from Bloomberg dot com, over -->


#Alt4u Toriel, Undertale's most beloved boss monster goat mom, sits and eats a bowl of ramen noodles filled with cuts of pork, veg, eggs. She's positively enjoying eating a mouthful of noodles with chop sticks. She's also chubby as she is cute. Text overlaid reads: "get ready for fat girl fall."

it's here