Had to find a 9-volt battery in my house and felt like I time traveled back to 1985.


I'm moderately grumpy because I didn't _want_ to get a new phone- this one, while a bit old and outdated, still works OK and still has decent battery life left in it. (That, and having my phone bill go up ~$25 for the next 3-4 years as well) :: pouts, grumbles, and goes off to start laundry ::


It’s a good idea to take your computer and a battery pack and go out where there is no Internet; but usually three weeks is plenty. I wouldn’t want to be gone for more than a few days really; but before the Internet, it was nice to get away from everybody for vacation.


Not sure if you beed a sine inverter or not? For emergencies, I bought a big Anker “generator” (a giant Li-Ion battery) which has that built in and two foldable solar panels I could charge it off of. Runs the CPAP two nights off a charge. Some people just so that with camping.


it all changes now. If Israel were almost any other actor in MENA, NATO would have been bombing them immediately and the West would be pissing its pants waiting for it to come to our doorstep (alt text continues into reply)


My spouse just had an old man commit sexual battery against her at the store, and we can't even press charges cause it wasn't caught on camera. Twenty bucks says it was a high priest in good standing with the LDS church; Mormons in utah are all about acting nice while doing stuff like this.


Breaking radio silence because I am stuck at home due to a chemical fire from a factory a mile away,I tried to start my car to leave and the battery was dead. Someone tried to come over to help me but by then my road was blocked off. My nose is burning and my lips are kinda numb,but I'll live


i'm losing my fucking mind. i unplugged my vape battery, i put the plug where it goes, and now it's gone. what the fuck.


Battery capacity has, IMHO, fuckall to do with home charging speed. It all comes down to "can you charge your typical number of miles overnight". Take your annual miles driven. Divide by 350. That's your miles per day. 2/10


Actually, the iPhone 16’s Camera Control button is kinda funny when you realize Apple test ran this feature on the iPhone 11’s Smart Battery Case. Nobody cared back then, either.