So tired of this 3000 years ago the Bible promised me this bullshit. Nobody cares. The Bible is made up. Don’t kill children. Don’t rape. Don’t torture. Don’t kick people out of their homes. Tell me, where is the fucking deed that your family had 3000 years ago? Which house was yours? Gmafb.


We don’t have to live in a society that spends >50% to manufacture war and weapons of war whilst our infrastructure crumbles and children starve on the streets


We were wise enough not so sing our version of Phantom of the Opera in class. But I know for a fact that several 40 & 50 year olds have taught their children to sing, "In sleep he came on me; my sheets, he stained..."


The Reclaiming the Sewing Circle event the birthplace hosted yesterday with SEA of Visibility and Suffolk NOW was MC’d by a drag queen and everybody at the event felt safe. And yet it’s drag queens that should be feared and ostracized and not priests and pastors who raped children?


elon musk literally doesn’t care about his own children, what makes him think we give a shit?


When Russia attacked Ukraine we had to listen to the news say the quiet part loud, “it’s different, they look like us, this isn’t the Middle East”. For nearly a year now innumerable innocent men women and children have been killed without consequence in Palestine. But I saw some speak up for once.


In theory, adoption is good, but as you've correctly identified, we have legal systems that treat children more like disposable property, than people. Sadly, the effects of this are not constrained to just adoption.


Age yourself with a movie you saw in the cinema as a kid. I was lucky enough to grow up at a wonderful time for children's cinema. This, Mary Poppins, Jungle Book, Willy Wonka for example. I was also lucky to have a young aunt who liked to take me and my sister to the cinema.