I respect that, but, hard disagree Valentina. This is 2024 and Climate Change is spiking up. And didn't many said the said when voting Biden, 4yrs ago...? Dems need to be beaten into a pulp on their complacency, bc, asides from hollow promises and "commitments", they. will not. change.


My thirst for peace is grating An oasis of isolating Where #sonorous#vss365


The election this year is going to decide wether or not the US remains a republic or tips into a dangerous autocracy with global consequences. We would not be here if it wasnt for enablers and cowardice of the Republican Party. Complacency, not wanting to get involved and capitulation got us here.


If you haven’t moved on from using full on (class) model objects as your UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource, iOS 18 SDK comes along and says “I had enough of your complacency”. 🧨😮‍💨🤕


You’re so right When people look for a celebrity to idolize, part of that is complacency and the ability to say that the celebrity is doing the bare minimum so they can too Chappell is actually putting in work and showing that she’s politically engaged and truly wants change and that’s new


Wanted to take a walk and now I can't be arsed Why Complacency won I shall get the flower bed sorted instead before winter comes


Though for the potential voter any decision will require negotiating with risk. While always consistently voting for a candidate/party risks complacency of the candidate/party and devaluation of the voter’s vote, threatening not to vote (especially if its not a bluff) risks the party/candidate-


waiting for a perfect solution is just buying more time for israel to kill more people. we need SOMEONE who will do SOMETHING, and pussyfooting around and acting like the bare minimum political action is complacency is, again, vulture behavior. you dont wanna do good, you wanna be "right." ur not


I've scoffed at the notion for decades; but the complacency and knee-jerk defense of unspeakable horrors by liberals are driving me to the sweet siren song of accelerationism.


im trying not to go into doomerism but everything going on in the world and just more government corruption and complacency in harmful acts. feel like its going to make trump win given the full moral decay of the United States.