The irony of KB’s position on too much state interference is her immigration policies would involve a massive expansion of state surveillance, & telling employers who they can’t & can recruit & train. Same in schools - controlling what teachers can say about British history, race, & gender.


Just fng wrong that these freaks have been have become so powerful they're controlling what happens in schools. Politics shouldn't be anywhere near kids education. Especially religious nutjob politicians 🤬


Episode 2 of Selections From the Weird Library is up for your viewing pleasure! We have weather manipulating space mantises, Invisible Entities controlling our thoughts and movements, and good old fashioned souvenir shop folklore from New England!


These were the people who ran my kid's old school before they moved for A-levels. Controlling and hyper-focused on weird particulars. Also an unpleasant habit of putting slogans on the walls - which led to some good conversations of how to call bullshit on propaganda.


"I advocate to attack you" Ever noticed how toxic people will frame controlling and abusive behavior as advice? My new single, 'The Voice Inside Your Head Wants You Dead' is out now.


It’s weird how you just keep dismissing peoples lived experience out-of-hand in this thread with “I don’t believe it,” as if your belief supersedes reality. Melania is bad. Abusive and controlling relationships also exist.


Labour Friends of Israel distributed leaflets at Labour conference about Iran is controlling Britain's mosques, as well as hosting open genocidaires. The great thing about this, as demonstrated by my mentions, is if you complain about the abject racism here, you get called an extremist. #sensible

Dear Jon Pearce MP,

We are writing to you from the Labour Muslim Network (LMN) in relation to your capacity as
Parliamentary chair of the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI).

At this year's Labour Party conference in Liverpool the LFI distributed a leaflet that included a
passage that has resulted in multiple complaints from Muslim delegates. The excerpt states
that the challenge of extremism in Britain is 'exacerbated by the manner in which Iran's
ideological centres' operate through 'a network of mosques, community centres and charities ..
promoting its violent and extremist ideology'.

We have included a copy of the leaflet for full clarification.

As you will know, the association of extremism and violence to mosques and places of worship
for Muslims is a common Islamophobic trope. The text in your leaflet which broadly paints
Muslim places of worship under foreign control and promoting violent and extremist
ideology is therefore clearly deeply offensive and potentially Islamophobic.

A Black woman that's married to a Clarence Thomas, or a Mike Tyson, or a Kanye West, is not at less risk of having an abusive controlling conservative control her vote than a white woman. Also, a Black woman married to a lib dem, is not at less risk of having an abusive partner control either.


8 BILLION not million, wow I am a world of typos. Anyway, the Culture War Pink Baby Panic thing really only makes sense if you look at it as White Supremacy & a way of controlling all AFAB folk bc we really don't desperately need more babies, there's a whole bunch of em


Money can pay for democracy if forced to. At present, it's all about controlling the state.