aquela trend do ttk do "quem casou casou" é tão ridícula mds, tu quer viver um dark romance ent porra?


The nuclear option #glitchart

glitchart of a deer and calf in long grass. the digital image appears to glitch and break down, from the top the image appears black and fades through bands of dark red and blue

Let's go with a weird assortment: Seeing the Mario movie with my oldest as his first movie theater experience Seeing The Dark Knight at midnight in the Palisades Mall. End of an era for midnight movies imo Being stoned in a packed theater for Cloverfield not knowing much about it on opening night


My Dad taking me to see Hawk The Slayer, I was 6. I don't really remember much about the film or cinema, but the journey home in the dark, car dashboard illuminated is a fond one. I was so happy. He was dead just 2 years later, one of just a few memories of him.


Probably the cuntyest picture of me there is

Full length mirror selfie of Cassie in her dark navy jumpsuit, shoulder length brown hair down. I'm holding the camera high because I wanted the whole outfit to show

Crime show where it’s about a vicar who solves crimes: no. Crime show where a detective with a dark past moves to a small village where everyone is harboring a horrible secret: yes.


Series C, Episode 06 - City at the Edge of the World VILA: Eh? Oh, it's just a simple forcefield. KERRIL: I was right about you, another Sherm, all mouth. This is a solid block, little man.

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "This image appears to be a scene from a science fiction television show or movie, set in what seems like a futuristic or industrial environment. 

### Breakdown:

- **Setting and Background**: The setting appears to be a metallic, industrial space, perhaps a spaceship or space station, indicated by the metallic pipes and the vented wall in the background.
- **Characters**: There are two individuals in this image, a man and a woman, both dressed in futuristic attire.
  - **Man**: He is wearing a light-colored, high-collared outfit that looks somewhat like a uniform or specialized suit, possibly indicating a role such as a technician, scientist, or crew member.
  - **Woman**: She is dressed in a dark, padded outfit with a V-neckline, which could suggest a uniform, battle attire, or formal wear, and has short hair"

Blakes7Bot, version 3.7.28. Upload retries: 0. version: 3.12

✨🌲🍂SHORT STORY🍂🌲✨ 🏹 dark fantasy horror 🗡️ girls protecting girls 🎋 a forest of spirits 🫂 two sisters 🪦 a deal made in a cemetery 🗝️ children outsmarting adults ❣️ 99c! 📖 book link:

cover for bailuchien by rebecca crunden; image shows an orange heart with flowers and plants growing out of it, branches come out of the heart's centre and come out of the border too. the title font is dark red and dripping blood. the name font is pale white.

In Switzerland, 2 youngish guys in dark suits ring the doorbell. Me, working in office with view of door, to Mr K: 'Jehova's Witnesses, dammit - get rid of them please'. Except... Mr K had forgotten to tell me 2 new clients were due. I apologised. Profusely. They did (fortunately) find it funny.