(Cw bug) EYO BUGSKY WHAT ARE THESE FLAT FUCKS WE FOUND UNDER A ROCK WITH DEAD MOLDY PLANTS they're very slow, very nervous, and Seek isn't helping :'3 i need to know if I can yoink them for terrariums #bugsky#inverts#invertsky#bugs#decomposers#entomology#flatfuck

Spiky flat fuck curled up
Elongated, very oval, very flat, very large - that nosy pill isopod is about half grown
Flat fuck curled up but looking at his back
Flat fuck belly shot - legs look like shrimp lmao

Women only want one thing, and it starts with D.

An image of various decomposers, including fungi, invertebrates, and bacteria.

So I chose this small group of marine protists (bc oceans). They’re decomposers. They don’t really do much else (we thought). Small group - about 100 species. Easily manageable (I naively thought). So yrs go by, just describing species + relationships. 2/n


Less creepy idea: "lichen" trees; basically plants, but with chitinous cell walls instead of cellulose and lignin. And throw in some more fungal biochemistry to let them grow hyphae to better invade and break down solid materials rather than relying on other decomposers to make soil.


also arguably eating poop and trash is cleaning up their surroundings (cockroaches and termites are some of the most important decomposers in a variety of ecosystems) so that's not necessarily a bad thing either? i can understand not wanting them to invade your house though i'm sorry on their behalf


Totally. I study this small little group of protists that aren’t even close to fungi, but they’re decomposers - so lumped in with mycology, which aren’t plants but lumped in w/ botany


to be fair, the rapidity of decomposition with anything depends a lot on the climate, season, environment, and present decomposers, etc In a dedicated facility they control for that, but yanno, in any case, need some space for the dead :) But for *less* space, it's a fun option to think about.


Nature is full of decomposers such as fungi that consume dead animal material to reduce it to its chemical constituents to return to the soil. Would you say that mushrooms are not an acceptable vegan foodstuff?


Thankful for diverse bacteria, fungi, and protozoa populations in addition to the many physical decomposers who change yard, garden, and kitchen waste into beautiful compost. 🌱

Three compost bins made of old wood pallets at the edge of forest. 1st and 2nd bins are topped with fresh grass cuttings, 3rd bin filled with dark brown compost.
A hand full of dark brown compost in sun.