Head of Saint Peter, facing three-quarters to the left, looking upwards, plate 16 from "I principii del disegno" (The Principles of Design)

head of an old man with bushy white beard, looking up toward PR
The accomplished Florentine etcher and draftsman Stefano della Bella produced this drawing manual in France, where he spent over a decade of his career. The book, now disassembled, comprised 25 etchings and was published by della Bella’s principal French publisher Pierre Mariette. Drawing manuals were common teaching tools for artists and amateurs learning to draw in the 16th and 17th centuries. It is a kind of pattern book for the aspiring draftsmen to copy, with concise prints depicting body parts—ears, eyes, hands, feet—and a range of head studies and figure types—children, adolescents, young women, old soldiers and saints—which provide models for students seeking to master the representation of the human body.

Roba da tecnici ma non solo, questa disegno di legge europeo dovrebbe terrorizzare tutti, TUTTI. Favoritismi per i politici, controllo per i poveracci e obblighi assurdi, pericolosi e lesivi della privacy. Una tragedia da contrastare in tutti i modi. #Chatcontrol

Il Chatcontrol torna sul tavolo
Il Chatcontrol torna sul tavolo

Dopo una breve sospensione, l'Unione Europea ci riprova con alcune importanti modifiche che potrebbero mettere d'accordo tutti i paesi membri.


Il disegno di legge sulla sicurezza è pieno di nuovi reati