It is an unusually foggy morning in our bit of the island this morning. The mist smells of salt and eelgrass. Must be a flood tide.

Grey mist shrouding dark, somber-looking trees

A sea otter floats at the water’s surface with its paws held together in front of it. A green overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the bottom right corner with text in the top left that reads, “Sea otters return
Kelp forests and eelgrass thrive
Healthy habitats”
A sea otter looks directly at the viewer with one paw up as she swims underwater. A brown overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the top left corner with text in the bottom right that reads, “Swimming among an
Underwater cathedral
Silent as it preys”
A sea otter floats upright at the water’s surface among golden giant kelp fronds. A turquoise overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the bottom right corner with text in the top left that reads, “Fur, fangs, and flippers
Deceptively fluffy logs
Impactful species”
A very large group of around 80 sea otters float at the water’s surface among golden kelp fronds. A brown overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the top left corner with text in the bottom left that reads, “Once nearly extinct
Spot them in Monterey Bay
Water wolverine”

New reseach out today from my time at Bowdoin (collabs aren't on bs yet): We found positive interactions between eelgrass and oysters in co-culture in ambient conditions. Interactions break down under future conditions (warming, OA, or both).


“Like eelgrass through a glass- / bottom boat on the Silver River, / I see the state, obscured yet pure. Derision, // a tattooed flame crackling / underneath the lewd, uncool / khaki of an amused park worker.” —Randall Mann, “Florida”


Palaemon shrimps (or Strandreker in Norwegian) are commonly found in the shallow coastal near seaweed patches and eelgrass beds. They are found in the East Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean, and western Baltic Sea. P. adspersus is also an invasives species on the East Coast of North America.


it is sapphic september so here's your semi-regular reminder than Kess has a huge stinking crush on another girl and we should support queer middle grade all year round and also the EELGRASS BOG paperback is available for preorder right now 😌<3


One of your titles struck a cord. I used to fish for flounder in the Piscataqua River up in Maine. No shortage of eelgrass back then.


How cute is this! 🤗 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, highly commended, by Jason Gulley

A shot of a manatee floating with her calf on restored eelgrass beds in Florida, US. The image highlights the important role conservation has had in boosting manatee numbers off the coast of Florida