the Harper and Will doco on Netflix is a beautiful viewing experience. loved seeing a 30yr friendship evolve in real time into something deeper. Will being *still* was a welcome surprise; 100% present whenever Harper spoke, not rushing to soothe, refute or advise. a bedrock of love and respect 🏳️‍⚧️ ✊


I just finished the wild robot super amazing movie and beautifully animated. legit nearly cried a points through the movie. full on ghibli coded in full nature and community with others and love being that can help grow and evolve with nature will fight back.


We need to evolve past Marx and other old-time thinkers. Our emphasis on materialism meant we neglected the immaterial, which is still there. Most of us have chosen Charisma and or Wisdom as our dump stats and we lack any real unifying vision to sell to people beyond the observable.


There’s a men’s rights guy played by Ezra Miller. Having him evolve from pickup culture to leading angry men online - clearly the filmmaker has no knowledge of those timelines in reality. He’s more interested in having him look like Hitler.

A ½ review of Asking For It (2021)
A ½ review of Asking For It (2021)

This is the skeleton outline of a movie. No character development, horrible editing. There’s a men’s rights guy played by Ezra Miller. Having him evolve from pickup culture to leading angry men online...


I don't mean we accommodate everything and what I said does not amount to blanket approval. But the fact is that fields/subfields vary widely and they have different priorities, expectations, standards, and funding. Field norms always evolve in a bottom up way and that should (and will no matter


Here is your regular reminder... characteristics do not evolve "for" anything. The are reproduced by genetic mutation and slected for or against.


Male Salandit can't evolve, but despite not being a Salazzle, Bandit still try his best to seduce. He is a little poisonous hottie hehehe ☠️ 🔥


To add to what Josh said, it also depends a great deal on what group you’re talking about, and in what context. For bacteria and viruses, “species” are essentially meaningless. Many fungi also hybridize a lot and evolve very fast, so it’s not too useful. Others may be cryptic, different specialized/


I’m pretty early still and waiting to see how things evolve. Really love it so far. BUT between this game and BotW’s / Tears’ weapon durability, I really would like them to return to a non-gimmicky form of sword combat for those that want it


Thank you! They are an affect of her A-Class abilities! Astrid's are all Starlings who have become a deity in some form or fashion and their markings change/evolve with them :3